20 thoughts on “Wonkville Link Bracket Semifinals

  1. Welcome to the final four of our tournament, which, like the women's basketball version, happens to be hosted in Ohio. Well, at least this one sort of is. And, since people have made jokes about me grading things twice so far, I feel like I can mention that I had shaving cats going all the way. Onto the match-ups!

    (9) I Lift My Lamp Beside the Shithouse Door vs (52) Trump’s New Illegal Alien Crime Hotline Immediately Overwhelmed with calls about Space Aliens

    (23) Looks Like Muskrat Launch vs (11) S P E C I A L P R O S E C U T O R

    Voting will be open until Friday.

    1. As a jeweler who already has a lot of cats, I’m not sure how I feel about this. But then again, how many cats is too many cats?

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