38 thoughts on “Ban a Brewery II: Still No Fire Trucks

  1. Submitted on 2016/04/19 at 5:47 PM

    Apeiicpatron for this information is over 9000-thank you!


  2. | The original linky | appears to not have followed us.

    Also, too, in reply to Lot's comment on the original borked (for me anyway) thread, many small towns in Minnesota have municipal liquor stores/bars and usually it's the only place within town limits to get alcohol. The money collected goes into the town's coffers for parks, road repair, general maintenance, etc.

    And, yeah, that open-pit mine in Hibbing is depressing as all fuck. (I've seen it firsthand.) They actually had to move part of the town way back when because they discovered a new vein that went directly under people's houses. In the 90s, (the last time I was there) they still had the old street signs and some of the old streets ended right at the edge of the pit.

      1. Damn skippy. That was actually the reason my friends and I made the 90 minute drive to Hibbing: to see his childhood home.

        1. They don't call 'em "extraction industries" for nothing. Those old ore pits (there's a beauty in Butte, too) look like the gums from whence unimaginably large bicuspids were removed.

          We used to drive up to what's now the Boundary Waters Canoe Area every summer from Chicago. My great uncle had a fishing "resort" on Moose Lake outside Ely.

    1. Also, delaying the vote on the truck purchase is going to massively fuck over the fire department. Trucks take a year to build and test, so if the manufacturer thought they could get it by December, they had a special slot in line cleared for them. And since new trucks take so long, it's critical to get them ordered before the truck you are replacing costs you a fortune in repairs. Despite what that councilperson thinks, it's kind a big fucking deal when you hop in a fire truck and it won't start, or stalls out on a scene and needs towing.

  3. They're in the pocket of Spam Street!!
    Now the spammers have taken over and there's nothing they can do about it!!!

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