21 thoughts on “Rotting decades-old meat siezed in Chinese food safety crackdown

  1. …the meat seized locally came from the "border area" with Vietnam, where it was "difficult to control the flow of meat".

    Yeah, once that 40 year old meat starts to flow it's almost impossible to control. Many people have been killed by Flesh Floods over the years.

        1. Really? He didn’t bother me. I liked him. I guess I’ve got thick skin (and a very thick skull, as many will attest)

          1. He kept his overt sexual harassment mostly confined to female posters, although I think he was bi-curious when it came to being a hostile douchelord. Good fucking riddance.

          2. Yup. There are very few people in this world that I genuinely hate, but he's on that list.

          3. I think what cemented my feelings about him was when he went on a relentless campaign for over a month demanding that Rebecca give him a blow job. In every article she wrote for the main page. Couched as humor, but it wasn't fucking funny. No one should have to deal with the response to their work being the equivalent of some drunken dick sitting in the front row yelling, "BLOW ME, BITCH." (And it's hardly a coincidence that he disappeared when Trix got a bf/husband. He meant that shit. He is a disgusting person.)

          4. I somehow missed that one, that's completely awful. I always felt awkward around the guy but didn't realize until a lot later that he wasn't joking on some things.

          5. cheeto-stained fingers come to mind.. (wasn't he like some kind of investment banker shitheel or something?) yeah, anyway, cheeto-stained fingers come to mind. And some kind of cum-receptacle.

          6. Yeah, aspiring actor, per his bragging, but also claimed to have some high-paying job in finance which he tried to claim made him superior to us peons (seriously, he said that), but, also too, he thought his posting stuff here in Wonkville was an audition for getting a FP writing job (based solely on headlines, I guess), and would upvote his own stories like crazy because he was convinced that meant something. Blech, spending way too much time thinking of that waste of space tonight.

          7. It came to a head for me in the Battle of the Upfists!
            I thought, I'll just upfist this random post (I think it was Cmdr's!) 3 or 4x to keep it above his, and then I noticed about a minute later, Actor suddenly had 5 more. [you're fucking kidding me, really?] Okay. And so it began in real time. He was ridiculously dedicated. The whole thing was completely absurd.. I was lmao during it all.

          8. That was a riot. Not that I would ever have indulged in those …………..okay, that one time…..

          9. I was really bored one day when he did that and managed to beat him, I think numbers got well over 150. It was absolutely hilarious because he was so serious about it.

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