Confederate flag parade goes hysterically wrong June 29, 2015 Callyson 2988 +10
<img src=""> Unsure if this is relevant but I needed to use it somewhere and the video was amazing and had vehicles in it so… Reply
Somebody accidentally shooting themselves in the nuts would be the only thing that would make that clip complete. Reply
Love how the cops were so diligent about attending to the crash. Uninsured hicks just not worth the effort? Reply
I saw that earlier. Quick reflexes by the dude with the camera/phone — he saw it coming early enough to get it on screen. Reply
<img src="">
Unsure if this is relevant but I needed to use it somewhere and the video was amazing and had vehicles in it so…
"God don't like ugly".
It's like Pickett's Charge, but stupider.
Quick Jethro, hide the empty beer cans!
Somebody accidentally shooting themselves in the nuts would be the only thing that would make that clip complete.
Love how the cops were so diligent about attending to the crash. Uninsured hicks just not worth the effort?
That made my day!
I saw that earlier. Quick reflexes by the dude with the camera/phone — he saw it coming early enough to get it on screen.