Psycho Merkel

Gee, you mean people DON’T want to join a club dominated by a vindictive bully?

5 thoughts on “Gee, you mean people DON’T want to join a club dominated by a vindictive bully?

  1. The clusterfuck/sociopathic bullying of Greece will make the UK referendum very, very interesting (and not a little uncomfortable for the Conservatives)… if, of course, it happens….

  2. While Greece certainly did themselves no favors and share most of the responsibility for getting themselves into this mess, the response from the German banksters and the IMF has been appalling. What we've basically been witnessing is an attempted economic coup d'état

    1. Sure–I'm not saying Greece is blameless by any means: for one thing, they need to collect their damn taxes, please. But the harsh austerity combined with the inability to devalue their currency only made things worse, and Germany's "rules are rules!" stubbornness is making them worse still FFS…

      1. Greece got themselves into the mess, but the banksters are doing everything they can to keep them from getting out- all while they bleed them dry and pick the bones clean. This is a textbook example of what Klein wrote about disaster capitalism…

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