14 thoughts on “How Long Until Some Teatard Starts Shooting Liberals?

  1. Holy shit, those people are blithering idiots! It's like a black hole of intellect, where you find yourself rushing to close the browser tab before you get caught in the gravity well of stupidity and cross the event horizon into endless derp. And they do hate them some liebrals (because we do all lie all the time, don'tcha know?). We're Marxists who are also fascists. We're Godless but we worship the debbil. We're llibtard leftists who also happen to be totalitarians. And they really want to practice their second amendment solutions on us- for Jeebus. But of course we're the violent, hateful ones. Oh, and we're also all sodomites, every single one of us, apparently. So at least we've got that going for us…

    1. Oh, wow… can you get that in Port Wine Merkt's? Nevermind, I'll order the Sharp Cheddar and have Him add the wine Himself.

      1. I've got a cheeseball recipe with port wine cheese, blue cheese and Worcestershire sauce I'm sure you'd love…

  2. What can we do to make these folks less afraid and paranoid? Keep your religion out of my lab, and I won't do experiments in your house of worship?

    If logical thought and realism are construed as the work of evil, it's kind of hard to start the discussion, but how to do so?

      1. Nice. I think things like the 2nd amendment and Thermopylae were both about one nation defending itself against another, but hey, that's just me…

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