95 thoughts on “Who’s In For Fantasy Hockey This Year. Hockey Is Fun

    1. You should try it out! It's not as big of a pain as baseball and it's not like football where 9 weeks in you know whether it's even worth it to pay attention anymore.

      1. We were supposed to be paying attention to our fantasy teams? I thought the point was to goof off during the draft and then talk sports snark on football Sundays…

        1. That is how I do the baseball. I think that's still at thing, right? But, hell yeah, you can do that for football and hockey too, why not.

          1. Holy shit! I actually remember that! Detroit is practically Canada as far as the airwaves are concerned, so I saw it on CBC. That's your cousin?

          2. I'm tempted to ask you to mail me a taste, but the USPS isn't really suited for shipping food.

          3. Sometime in the next few years, we should all actually get together in Wisconsin. We've been chatting eachother up for a long time, it's high time we schedule a Wonkville meetup.

          4. I mean, I wouldn't want to live there, at least as long as Walker is governor, but it does have some very lovely bits, and lots of good beer, cheese and sausage.

          5. good beer, cheese and sausage=good

            mosquitoes, snow, Walker, not so much

            (plus that whole being a Bears fan thingy)

          6. Despite being a Wisco native, I actually don't like beer, so you can definitely have all of mine :)

          7. Sadly, your market analysis is pretty close to the mark. Two rent increases in two years with another one likely this year has me thinking "you know, there are parts of South Central LA that aren't so bad…"


          8. It would be tempting to purposely get it wrong. "Hey, Caboose. No, wait, Trainthing? It's something."

    1. If we can't round up 10 to form the league, Team Gatorade Arctic BLAST might wind up being a fun side project for you.

    1. It's easy. The hardest part is manipulating aquisitions to match up with the schedule, IF you even feel like doing that.

      I have Wednesday off, so I'll do a write-up about it then. It's even easier to explain than football, so no one will be going in blind.

      Also too, Go Red Wings

    1. No, it's the one where I get insanely competetive and do spread sheets on excel at like, 4 in the morning. I will Fenwick and CORSI you motherfuckers into oblivion.

      Er, you guys should play, it'll be fun!

        1. Phone call for Shel at 5:35am on a Tuesday in November: "Should I pick up Joel Ward? He's playing tonight, Thursday, Friday and Sunday and looking at rotowire, he's ready to pop."

          1. You know the weirdest thing about that situation will be me saying, "Hang on, let me look at your spreadsheet and google a bit," like that's just a normal thing.

          2. And then I'll email it to you and accompany it with a text on the color coding. Cuz that's not weird at all.

          3. It's nothing without the color coding! That's how it all makes sense, plus it's pretty.

      1. It's like a blend of foosball and air hockey, only with actual people! It's like those living chess sets, only with a bunch of guys with mouthguards who stop and beat each other up because they get their period every 20 minutes. I think.

          1. REEEEWWWRRRRREWRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            The little battery in the glow puck prevented the puck from freezing, causing all sorts of bounces in the 96 playoffs that should not have happened.

          2. Funny thing about Keith Tkachuck, it would not surprise me at all if he was playing 4th line for the Arizona Coyotes.

          1. when the current storm has passed for Shy & Trix, I will re-suggest they do a subscription page for ad-free content. I think that'd help both ways.

          2. He sent me a link but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it. It's just a link to a wordpress thing and I tried logging in, but it didn't log me in to anything. Tried it at least a half dozen times.

          3. It didn't work with your ID login?

            ETA: Oh, wait, you got a new login from WordPress, right?

          4. KevinKemp Vodka is at the tipping point of being too tired and drunk to give a rat's ass if KevinKemp Vodka is a mod or not. Seems like ya'll in blue are doing fine without me and Wonkville doesn't need another mod. I mean, almost all of us know eachother by name anyway. What is there to moderate?

          5. My boot caught on fire today. I literally looked down at my boot, saw that there was a grease fire in progress on my foot, and I let it burn itself out. Zero fucks were given today on the truck. Zero fucks will be given about a color either.

          6. The boot, the boot, the boot is on fire! We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn!

            God, your day sucked in every dimension, huh?

          7. I'm convinced that it's time for both of them to bust Shy's ass and make him fix it

          8. Seems like a good time to do it, he's probably drunk as hell from all that money they got for the server.

          9. eggzactly, fuck up their party with work- same shit the rest of us have to put up with…

          10. I sent him an email, but sheeet.. Baby, Server, Fuck, don't really wanna bust his balls about now.
            Some Wonkville News: Cmdr Crazy Sauce Touching Down in Phx Aug. 11th!
            Also: Fleener Will Be Sent Around September 6th!

          11. we have a tetch more moisture here than usual, but being I came back from Boston on Wed, it seems cool and dry, still.

  1. Count me in.

    Also: dammit, Pens, please don't die an early death in the playoffs yet a-fucking-again…


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