2015Champions-Pittsburgh Passion

In the wake of the fucking Michael Vick signing I wanted you to know there is a Pittsburgh football team that is WORTHY of support

13 thoughts on “In the wake of the fucking Michael Vick signing I wanted you to know there is a Pittsburgh football team that is WORTHY of support

  1. For the record, I am officially sick to my stomach over the fact that the team for whom I have rooted, win or lose, for DECADES (no, I don't care to specify how many decades TYVM: suffice it to say I can't remember not being a Steelers fan) saw fit to choose an animal abuser as a back up to a rapist for QB.

    I have sent an emergency e-mail to my friends in Steeler Nation asking them why I should stay loyal after this betrayal. Because I am one step from switching to Niner Nation after this crap…,

    1. I'm not a fan of the sport, but I suppose I'm a geographical fan of the Niners. Giants, too. We're a bit more civilized than those hooligans across the bay…

    2. Nothing is perfect Cally, I guess. I remember struggling with the Rapersburger issue too. The Olympics, the NCAA, FIFA, doping, the musical-industrial complex, etc. "tis endless. I just look to appreciate the best of human endeavor. Took me a long time to come to terms with the complexities of our society. (I've got this Zen-buddhism-pantheistic approach now.)
      Anyshizzle, thank Zeus you're not a Brown's fan.

    3. Keep in mind, A) Vick did his time (which puts him ahead of a lot of players who managed to avoid consequences for their transgressions) B) he is far from the only one in the NFL with baggage. While I will never be including him on my Christmas Holiday card list, he's in good company with all the wife beaters, child abusers, murderers, etc throughout the league, so I wouldn't get too stressed about him. Otherwise, you'll have to walk away from the entire game, considering how many shitty examples of humanity we throw money and fame at, just because they possess some superior physical skills.

    4. Vick at least served his time and has become an advocate against animal cruelty. At least he appears to be trying to reform, which is better than can be said for a great many of the NFL's players who repeatedly do terrible things.

      1. I am more pissed off about Rapistburger than I am Vick (indeed, he has been punished and civilised society surely believes in rehabilitation).
        That said, I can understand why the 'alleged' sex pest quarterback can't really show any contrition and, in so doing, thereby establish his own guilt. He could, though, go down the Vick route of getting involved in 'awareness' and so forth. If he is in fact innocent, then it shouldn't be any problem.

    5. Two Forty Niners were indited in relation to a sexual assault incident yesterday. The NFL is top to bottom problems and seems to have no inclinations to fix them.

  2. Interesting to compare the public reaction to NFL corruption to the Lance Armstrong story. Amazingly, there are people who believe that Armstrong is still a hero, a champion, even though he broke the rules of the game to win. The fact that others were doing so doesn't mean he wasn't cheating.

    Whereas Tom Brady is actually suing the NFL to avoid the wrist-slap penalty it seeks to impose on him for cheating. That takes a lotta hubris, but at least shows that rules still mean something in professional football. He could just go out and play regardless of the suspension. After all, people don't buy tickets to see Roger Goodell fling the football.

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