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Donald Trump won’t answer birther question on Colbert; blames Hillary afterward

3 thoughts on “Donald Trump won’t answer birther question on Colbert; blames Hillary afterward

  1. Colbert absolutely railed this guy on his first CBS show. And then Colbert asked Trump about it and the Donald didn't seem to care. Whatevs.

    Also, too, "Just remember, the birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton in 2008. She was all in!" First off, the fucker said he wouldn't talk about the birfers anymore, and then, even if Hillz did a little Rove maneuver, what ever became of it except Larry Klayman and the Teabaggers? To me being a birfer is like having a CSA battle flag — it's a marker. You are a simpleton, racist assnut.

    1. I saw some liberals saying he wasn't hard enough on Trump in the conversation last night, but I actually think he did it right. He just tossed up a few things Trump had been refusing to say anything smart about and Trump just managed to look bad on his own.

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