Wow. According to ESPN's crawly, ticker thingy, the Lions have lost the past 24 games to the Packers in Wisconsin, including playoffs. Apparently, the last time they beat the Pack in WI was pre-Favre days. Yikes.
Hey, shel, did you ever see a Packers game at old Milwaukee County Stadium? I've heard those games were insane. I lived in MKE for about 3 years and those people are fuckin' nuts.
I'm sick of this creepy Acura commercial where the guy puts his "dummy" family, including his "dummy" self into the car for a test crash. Stop it, Acura! You're creeping everyone out!
Fuuuuuck me. Totally believable.
eta: Did I not tell you the Iggles would 'suck out' the last two quarters? I'm used to this shit, but it was long, long ago..
Just got back from a training run to see that, one, my team's game was on here (OK, KCBS, for once you don't suck on football Sunday) and two, we managed to win despite the fact that half of our players are in the hospital. #suckstobeaclevelandsportsfan
There had to be some sort of retaliation response- it was inevitable. The real question is whether or not we see ground troops- from France, us, Britain, NATO?
because the only person who sucks worse than Eli is Coughlin. How the hell you have first and goal with just over 2 minutes left and manage to neither score a touchdown nor take a decent amount of time off the clock is a mystery to me
Glad I don't live in NJ anymore so I don't have to spend the next week hearing about how that was an interception and the Patriots stole this (which is kind of a good point, but I don't want to hear it).
Someday the Giants will realize that they will always suck until they fire Coughlin. He consistently breaks their hearts with moments of greatness, only to fold and give them a 7-9 or 6-10 shit sandwich at the end of the season
Thanks for the moment of silence, Seattle. But fuck that fucking asshole who shouted "ISIS sucks!" during it. Fuck you, asshole. Shut the fuck up.
Also, lovely rendition of the Star Spangled Banner by that Staff Sergaent (I missed his name. Freddy Garza? Is that right?) It would have been really meaningful if, at least at one game like tonight's, they had sung La Marseillaise.
The thing is, it really didn't look that bad, even with the replays. The next thing you know, there's a damn ambulance on the field. I just heard that Iupati has feelings in his extremities, so that's a good thing, at least.
No, the Pats are cheaters so they get no Karmic paybacks- I hope they go undefeated right up to the moment it counts, then get their asses kicked in the playoffs, just for the extra lulz of all that humiliation. The Giants do indeed suck for the reasons you mentioned, plus by virtue of the transitive property Eli Manning sucks because he is related to Peyton Manning, who sucks the big one…
it actually was real good. And yes, Cubs are in a good position to do things next year. They're shoring up some holes like pitching and it's a young team that's growing into being great.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE DOG ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
┃ ● ══ |
┃█ Come outside, ███┃
┃█ I've got the ██████┃
┃█meme ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ████ ┃
┃ ○ ┃
Defensive Tackle’s Innocence Shattered By Play-Action Pass…
Also, hey, coaches, maybe you shouldn't fucking knock out your own fucking players?…
It was a love tap! Also, apparently babies' heads don't get hard until age 25 now. I blame Starbucks.
Yay, my head gets hard next month!
Hey, everybody, December Ohio roadtrip to celebrate the fact that we can freely hit Karen upside the head!
December Ohio Road trip.These words, they're strange.
They're just as strange in July.
How much do you suppose Paris is paying for this?…
They already paid too much.
That's not something the NFL ever says.
Wow. According to ESPN's crawly, ticker thingy, the Lions have lost the past 24 games to the Packers in Wisconsin, including playoffs. Apparently, the last time they beat the Pack in WI was pre-Favre days. Yikes.
Hey, shel, did you ever see a Packers game at old Milwaukee County Stadium? I've heard those games were insane. I lived in MKE for about 3 years and those people are fuckin' nuts.
No, I only went to games at Lambeau. And, yes, Milwaukee people are crazy.*
* I was born there.
Hah, just stumbled across this, seems apropos:…
Points for it not being as frightening as that Lucy statue.
Good thing Johnny Football was drunk or this could have hurt:…
smokey: "Oh my god! He's not Linda Blair, for fuck's sake!"
Edit: Also, was he OK after that? Did he have to come out?
Oh jeez, you don't have to quote me! (Cmdr thinks I'm a laff riot for some reason, he's so sweet.)
Cmdr has good taste.
Aw, <3
<img src="" width="300" height="300">
So that's how my disabled Steelers won. I assume #55 got slapped with a penalty at least FFS…
Well, that and this guy:…
Ah, I see. Antonio Brown has to win Most Valuable Steeler this year, if not outright MVP FFS…
What? The Packers and Lions are tied at 3 at the half?! WTF is going on in that game?
Kind of glad I'm not getting that game, because it's frightening to think how much effort the Packers have to be putting in to SUCK THIS MUCH.
was this "wear the other team's uniform" day?
At least the Lions' drunk kicker missed the extra point.
We really have a lot to learn from them if we want to be the worst.
Even the alcoholic kicker is beating up on Green Bay now
that's more like it- the quintessential Lion's choke- good job, drunk kicker!
My God, neither of those teams deserved to win
WTF is going on with the Cheeseheads?
I'm sick of this creepy Acura commercial where the guy puts his "dummy" family, including his "dummy" self into the car for a test crash. Stop it, Acura! You're creeping everyone out!
So glad it's not just me! That's is some creepy uncanny valley shit there.
no, that commercial is just wrong
I don't like the woman that jumps up and down when her husband gets her a goddamn fridge. (Lowe's) Set your sights higher, lady.
at least hold out for a new washer/dryer
Sam Bradford (aka Sad Badform) is out for the Iggles and Butt-Fumble is in.
Ugh. That Iggles game was fucking painful.
Fuuuuuck me. Totally believable.
eta: Did I not tell you the Iggles would 'suck out' the last two quarters? I'm used to this shit, but it was long, long ago..
The font on the Bucs uniform numbers is a war crime.
HAHA! Cowboys still suck…
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Wow. The Lions damn near lost that game in a very Lionesque way.
Btw, what happened with that kick?
It wasn't blocked. He just kicked it really badly.
that's what Crosby gets for doing shots with the drunk kicker
Just got back from a training run to see that, one, my team's game was on here (OK, KCBS, for once you don't suck on football Sunday) and two, we managed to win despite the fact that half of our players are in the hospital. #suckstobeaclevelandsportsfan
at least last week they put up a good fight and a valiant effort. Now we have to deal with the Viqueens at the top of the division
BWAHAHAHA! (I'll enjoy it while it lasts.)
Couldn't have said it better.
@harrisonquinn90 15 seconds ago
the packers did the equivalent of only shooting fadeaways in 21 bc their mom is making them let there brother win
Jeez, Broncos, WTF?
They think they're Green Bay?
This eye-gouging thing is contagious, apparently. That's not Minnesota Nice!…
Teams that were favorites going into the game are 2-7 so far this week. This has been incredibly strange.
Kirk Cousins 158.3
go figure…
Wait, they don't take points away for facing the Saints?
and Eli has the Giants over the Pats at the half…
I'd be happy about that if I hadn't see too many games where the Patriots managed to come from behind and pull it out.
and we are talking about the Giants
They're good at blowing 10-point leads, that's for sure.
Addition to this: The favorites in the games active right now are the Raiders, Patriots, and Broncos. All three are losing.
KC may score again before the half- Broncos are getting their butts beat
Unrelated to anything i this thread, I just found |this.| it's like Headline News but English-language news in France.
Yup, The french are bombing Raqqa
Yes, I was driving home and heard it on the radio, then got home and found this. Chilling.
The war is here.
There had to be some sort of retaliation response- it was inevitable. The real question is whether or not we see ground troops- from France, us, Britain, NATO?
Exactly, it's a drumbeat to war. I hope Obama puts the brakes on it. Chilling.
if he's smart, he'll let France lead the way- of course, then every RWNJ in the country will call him an incompetent coward
They'll call him that even if he does exactly what they want.
Why the hell didn't I start Stafford against GB? BECAUSE NOBODY FUCKING WOULD.
Kansas City remembered to pack their chicken parm to distract Manning, it seems.
Nationwide is NOT on his side today
Have a goddamn chicken parm and fucking retire.
Holy shit–Peyton got benched.
I work with a Broncos fan–I'll have to remember to be very nice to him next time I see him FFS…
You beat me on the news by 2 seconds.
Jeez that looks completely different on my mobile browser
So Peyton Manning got benched o_o
Manning benched, Brady with only 8.5 points, what a weird day
Also too, Rogers looked bad again. Meanwhile, AP just blew it open with over 200 yards
And now Brady up to 17.8.
yup, hit Gronk for a TD
Just saw this about |Aaron Rodgers|, which I guess is some kind of compensation for my being likely to lose despite Peyton being worth less than zero.
Good for him
Glad to see him standing up for what's right.
Between that and dating former TDS correspondent Olivia Munn, I suspect Aaron is our kind of people. And good for him for calling that out.
He did pretty well on celeb Jeopardy, which makes him my kind of person. (Runs away.)
Well, he is a Berkeley grad. #gobears
And I do love when he gives a shout-out to his community college in intros.
I would like to thank Jeremy Langford for going off for 36.2 today and Fukui for forgetting about his team.
Giants down 24-23 with 2:14 to go but have the ball at the New England 28. It might be happening!
they're gonna fuck it up, take three and let Brady win the game
OK, Giants, you have 107 seconds. Come on, you can do it and I could use a laugh…
and THAT is why Eli will always be a joke
because the only person who sucks worse than Eli is Coughlin. How the hell you have first and goal with just over 2 minutes left and manage to neither score a touchdown nor take a decent amount of time off the clock is a mystery to me
I knew the Pats were gonna win that game.
(Really, my cat is a Patriots fan and he is always gloating. It sucks.)
I should have known better than to get my hopes up. Oh well, tonight's game should be pretty good…
Glad I don't live in NJ anymore so I don't have to spend the next week hearing about how that was an interception and the Patriots stole this (which is kind of a good point, but I don't want to hear it).
Andy Reid would be proud of the Giants' clock management.
Someday the Giants will realize that they will always suck until they fire Coughlin. He consistently breaks their hearts with moments of greatness, only to fold and give them a 7-9 or 6-10 shit sandwich at the end of the season
Wow–Tony Dungy just said he'd bench Peyton next week too. End of an era, perhaps…
Thanks for the moment of silence, Seattle. But fuck that fucking asshole who shouted "ISIS sucks!" during it. Fuck you, asshole. Shut the fuck up.
Also, lovely rendition of the Star Spangled Banner by that Staff Sergaent (I missed his name. Freddy Garza? Is that right?) It would have been really meaningful if, at least at one game like tonight's, they had sung La Marseillaise.
Also, too, to hell with Carrie Underwood. Give me Joan Jett or give me nothing!
I am glad I missed that
That is one fugly injury. This game is getting harder and harder to watch FFS…
The thing is, it really didn't look that bad, even with the replays. The next thing you know, there's a damn ambulance on the field. I just heard that Iupati has feelings in his extremities, so that's a good thing, at least.
Thursday Night Football is Jaguars and Titans?
<img src="">
Calgon take me away!
Actual ESPN news alert on my phone: "From a tree stand in the woods, Brett Favre congratulates Peyton Manning for breaking his passing record."
No, the Pats are cheaters so they get no Karmic paybacks- I hope they go undefeated right up to the moment it counts, then get their asses kicked in the playoffs, just for the extra lulz of all that humiliation. The Giants do indeed suck for the reasons you mentioned, plus by virtue of the transitive property Eli Manning sucks because he is related to Peyton Manning, who sucks the big one…
Meh, it just gives you more heart burn after the World Series ends, through the beginning of February.
it actually was real good. And yes, Cubs are in a good position to do things next year. They're shoring up some holes like pitching and it's a young team that's growing into being great.
The NFC East is a dumpster fire, kind of like the AFC South