Rich people get mulligans, AKA a quiet trip to out of state relatives for nine months or a celebration of a blessed event rather than the stinging accusation of being a slutty whore single unwed mother, like all those "urban youths" who do the exact same thing but don't have rich grifter mommy or a PR team to whitesplain it to the unwashed masses.
Yeah, they like to frame it that people are poor because they make bad choices, but the reality is we all make bad choices, mistakes, and have misfortune befall us; it's only poor people who have to suffer the consequences.
You'd think at this point the Palins would realize that their God fucking hates their guts.
that would require self awareness
She's not perfect, she's just saved.
That's wonderful! She's already doing |such a great job!|
she should stick to putting Xanax up her butt
Rich people get mulligans, AKA a quiet trip to out of state relatives for nine months or a celebration of a blessed event rather than the stinging accusation of being a slutty whore single unwed mother, like all those "urban youths" who do the exact same thing but don't have rich grifter mommy or a PR team to whitesplain it to the unwashed masses.
Yeah, they like to frame it that people are poor because they make bad choices, but the reality is we all make bad choices, mistakes, and have misfortune befall us; it's only poor people who have to suffer the consequences.