36 thoughts on “Nick Denton wants Our Wonkette back

  1. Kind of painful to watch someone blow up their own successful company. The good news is that there are a lot of good writers available :)

      1. Millions! Yeah, someone looked up metrics, and things like The Vane and Kitchenette got a ton of traffic. When you put this in the context of the story from Monday calling out Denton for being deeply, deeply sexist — he fired a lot female writers, shuttered a lot of sites with heavy female readership, is making one major female-led blog a subsite, oh, and now wants Gawker to directly compete with Wonkette while making Jezebel give up politics and mostly talk about celebrity gossip and makeup…. as for Kinja, Denton often talks about blogs he loves that actually do not allow comments, like Vox, so "moving away from Kinja" is pretty ominous.

        1. Wow, I just read that article. It's not surprising. It's everywhere. It's rarely intentional, but that doesn't mean it's not happening and that they still need to recognize their choices and change. Intent vs. impact.

          Also too, yes, Jezebel used to be interesting. Now it's just celebrity gossip. Gawker has such a platform, it could choose to be brave and get out on the edge of these dialogs. Instead we get Kardashian news that is already all over the place.

        2. I'm half expecting them to hire H.A. Goodman to tell us how Hillary is the most evil person on the face of the planet every third day.

          1. The more douchebros telling us how that they just can't support Hillary for reasons, the merrier! (Seriously, when you tell people your top two choices for president are Bernie Sanders followed by Donald Trump, we can see right through that shit.)

          2. This. I support so much of what Sanders says, but the douchebro force is growing too strong around Sanders and his organization doesn't seem concerned to counter it. Hillary has a much more progressive voting record than progressives give her credit for, even more than Obama in the Senate, and I'd rather get behind her and her record than encourage more entitled bro-ness in politics.

          3. Exactly. I also love Bernie, but there is this scary subset of his supporters that seem to be refugee Paultards who figure Bernie will legalize weed, and they can say they support him and pretend to be liberals.

          4. The idea that he does better against Republicans than Hillary is strange as well, considering she's polling equal or ahead of Bernie against them lately despite them putting all of their attacks in on her and just going "oh right, that guy exists" to Bernie. Imagine if they actually started focusing on him.

      2. Are you serious? He's one of the best weather bloggers on the internet and they dumped him? Nice job, Gawker, have fun destroying yourselves.

        1. Yep. Sad and short-sighted. I visualize Denton sitting there at his desk, next to his wall of windows looking out over SoHo, and mindlessly shooting himself in the foot over and over.

          But someone will snatch Mersereau up fast and for much higher salary.

          1. Cool. Bookmarked.
            For whatever good it might do, we should link to his blog here and in some FrontPage threads [ relevant or not ] when he puts up a new post.

  2. When you buy a business from its orginal owner, it's often a good idea to make them or ask them or beg them to sign a non-compete agreement. Talking to you, Ken Layne.

    Where'd he go, anyway? Off in the desert somewhere working on his manifesto?

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