Minnesota NAACP leader shocks CNN: Police are ‘behind’ the Black Lives Matter shooting

14 thoughts on “Minnesota NAACP leader shocks CNN: Police are ‘behind’ the Black Lives Matter shooting

  1. “Where is your evidence that they were involved in the shooting?” Baldwin pressed.
    Careful there. We don't want this kind of question to become a trend on CNN.

  2. This isn't really an appropriate post to put this, but I just have to vent. I had an acquaintance over for dinner tonight, very nice person I've known for years, but tonight I got treated to his views on vaccines. In detail. Did you know that it's all a conspiracy to get toxins into our bodies for REASONS?

    And now even though it's late I must go out and do shopping so that I don't get stuck in crowds tomorrow.

    On the plus side, he did like my beets and walnut and bleu cheese dish. The bleu cheese masks the taste of the mercury.

    1. Heh. I got into on FB not long ago with someone who was an antivaxxers (who, of course, initially claimed they had no problem with vaccines, there's just too many, too soon, which is how they like to feel you out for sympathy). They, too, freaked out when I very calmly asked why, exactly, BIG PHARMA and your personal physician are trying to poison you. No, but, really, why? What is the point of this conspiracy? There's no medication for autism, so what motivation is there to give it to people? I still don't get it.

      1. Exactly. He says that none of these diseases really exist, or if they did, they were on the decline anyway, and that at least rabies doesn't exist (it was hard to follow him). But I love that he thinks it's all this huge conspiracy that the gullible public buys in to, yet he's apparently not gullible at all and totally not suckered by conspiracy theories.

        1. I love his "reasoning." He's probably thinking, "I've never met anyone who had rabies or the measles or polio, therefore they don't exist." Yes, asshole, you haven't met anyone with polio because polio has all but been eradicated in this country THANKS TO VACCINES! Derp.

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