Rachel Maddow dismantles the Donald’s claims to support the troops

6 thoughts on “Rachel Maddow dismantles the Donald’s claims to support the troops

  1. The group in question, Veterans for a Strong America, vigorously defended Trump and his comments, and the day before the debate, Trump did a fundraiser for the group, at which he claimed that they represented “hundreds of thousands of veterans.” Of course, it did not.

    When the IRS attacked the group for not having paid taxes since 2010, it dissolved as an organization, only to reappear months later as “Vets for a Strong America,” but on its incorporation form, noted that it was a corporation “that would not have members.”

    This "group," Veterans or Vets for a Strong America, was basically one guy. The entire video is worth watching as this is just complete and utter bullshit. I would have linked straight to MSNBC, but their site sucks.

      1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. It seems like, even if you actually are able to find the video you're looking for, half the time the damn thing won't play.

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