97 thoughts on “NV Democrats and SC Republicans vote today!

  1. Remember that thing I mentioned with GOP possibly voting twice? IT'S HAPPENING!!!!


    Report from field: Lots of new registrants, reports of GOPers switching to vote. "Overheard kids saying parents switch..to vote for Bernie."

  2. @NateSilver538

    Entrance polls flipped from showing a 3-point Clinton lead to a 2-point Sanders lead as more data was released.

  3. Apparently some lines are going to possibly be 3-4 hours long in Nevada. This is an absolute disaster, far worse than Iowa. People are giving up because they have to go back to work.

    1. THAT would explain why turnout is down compared to 2008. I could be wrong but I don't recall that happening eight years ago. So Brian Williams can STFU with that "excitement gap!" line he's pushing FFS…

      1. Well, I actually think there is an excitement gap. That being said, someone like Trump or Cruz could end up bringing out a ton of moderate people that are just scared of those two so I'm not sure it matters as much as it would in most years.

  4. Apparently the general manager at Caesar's Palace is giving his workers as much time as they need to vote and says he'll take the heat from the owners himself. Glad someone believes in democracy.

  5. 43% in. Hillary with 52%, Bernie with 48%. Most of the votes left are in Clark County. It's looking good for Hillary so far.

      1. Everything is proportional for the Democrats. Still, a win here dictates media coverage, which as we saw from both IA and NH, is huge.

      1. You've lost me. I didn't mean to offend you. I just am checking in on the election but couldn't think of anything trenchant to say.

        ETA: Ah, OK, I should clarify: I wasn't characterizing your post, I was just trying to be funny and make a bland, general election comment.

        Sorry, it's been a very long day.

        1. I was trying to make a joke, I'm not mad at you. Been seeing a lot of stupid comments at other places and probably picked the wrong place to joke about it. Sorry!

          1. OK, whew. Because actually this is a really good thread. And that Jon Stewart pic is going in my save file.

          2. Thanks! I've been seeing a lot of people saying they won't vote for the other candidate in a general election today, if you're wondering.

            Pictures like that are why the internet is great. Mostly.

          3. People in this country. It's like there was a sale at Target on Stupid pills. If Bernie Sanders is the Democratic candidate he will get my vote even though I'm voting Hillz in the primary. Good gawd, people are idiots.

  6. Exit poll from SC: 75% of Republican voters agree with Trump's idea of a Muslim travel ban. That's really disturbing.

    1. Exit poll from Wonkville: 100% of Wonkvillians agree with the idea of a South Carolinian travel ban. Or mating ban. Or even just speaking. Just shut up, South Carolina. Go eat your grits or whatever it is you do in your swampy, retrograde state.

      1. Charleston is a beautiful place. Persons in slavery built it all, of course, but that makes it more beautiful in a terrible way. The old slave market is now a kind of upscale strip mall, with The Gap, Banana Republic, etc, in what were once the stalls where human beings were sold as property.

    1. Yay. Then I'm going to go walk my dog.

      We had a fun incident here. Some idiots went around smashing mailboxes and security lights, about half of the mailboxes in the neighborhood. Mine was smashed almost flat. The police said the damage amount, totaled up, tops the felony threshold. So the idiot teenage boys that they suspect of the crime have a nice stay in juvenile hall to look forward to. This group of boys rides their skateboards very late at night, like: after midnight, in a noisy herd. Almost nightly. I always wonder what the heck are the parents doing, letting them do that. Training the next generation of ne're-do-wells, I guess.

      1. Wow, what fucking morons. People just viewing breaking things as fun? Have fun in jail! I bet your parents will be proud of themselves for having their children behind bars too!

      2. That sounds like what happened to my uncle last fall. He keeps a number of cars parked at his office space (he tests cars as part of his job) Over Thanksgiving, my cousin and his fiancee flew back to WI and also left their personal vehicles parked there, since they got their ride to the airport from there. Some little brats decided to amuse themselves by throwing rocks at all the cars, requiring many thousands of dollars in body work to repair. Unfortunately, it turned out that the damned police chief's nephew was the ring leader, so they didn't end up with any jail time, but the kids did have to pay full restitution, so there is that.

        1. I just got back from walking my dog, and I talked with a neighbor up on the corner. She's got brickwork and wrought iron lights that are set into the top of brick pedestals. The little thugs pulled some of those lights literally out of the bricks, then broke off some of the iron pieces, which all had to have taken quite some strength.

          Also, more interesting, they carved a swastika into the glass of one light, which basically narrows them down to a young group of idiots who live in the next town over (which starts on the next street) and who fancy themselves a white supremacist gang. In fact that neighbor told me that the cops have singled out three kids that they're pretty sure did it and they've turned the case over to the detectives.

  7. Earlier tonight, CNN's John King, while describing Trump's voter support, drew, essentially, a giant cock and balls on a map of South Carolina. He then proceeded to "stroke" the "cock" repeatedly while talking about how "strong" the support for Trump was in those areas.

    Please tell me there is a video of this somewhere.

  8. Whistle past that graveyard, NYT:

    "Mr. Trump has benefited so far from a fractious group of candidates running against him. But the results in South Carolina may narrow that field to a small and tenacious handful, possibly opening the way for a concerted challenge to Mr. Trump next month in delegate-rich states like Texas, Virginia and Florida."

    Ha ha, small and tenacious: sounds like a certain vertically challanged young man from Florida. Trump will crush him like a palmetto bug.

  9. 10 REM Donald Trump's YOOOJ Victory Speech Program
    20 REM Hencho en México
    30 PRINT "We love" && stuff[X]
    40 X = X .PLUS. 1
    50 GOTO 30
    60 REM IntenseDebate really doesn't like plus signs for some reason
    70 REM /cough SQL injection /cough

  10. And while Trump's speechifyings are predictable, they're at least tolerable. I'm beginning to think there should be a drinking game whenever Rubio mentions Reagan, or himself in the third person, or mentioning himself mentioning Reagan in the third person.

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