7 thoughts on “Can We Get Over Richard Flocking Dawkins?

  1. It's the same thing with the old Nader crowd, and there's still considerable overlap. What always bothered me about them wasn't so much the juvenile grasp of Marxism, but the depth of their Leninism.

    These people fancy themselves a vanguard of the proletariat. Looks more to me like someone opened the door between the faculty swing room and the kiddie pool.

    EDIT: The Democratic party where I live has to coalesce behind a Berniebro candidate, or we're stuck with a mumbling dumbass Republican in the state house. We can't get him to shut up about Bernie long enough to court Hillary donors and the party technocrats who might make his campaign something other than an act of pure masturbation. The GOP couldn't have run a better ratfucking operation.

    If we didn't have the superdelegate system, the Republicans would be running the Democratic party.

    1. If we didn't have the superdelegate system, the Republicans would be running the Democratic party.

      You mean they'd finally be able to run a party?

  2. This pretty much sums it up:

    Rather, the root at the problem of this kind of online harassment is that political and intellectual authority has for centuries been the domain of white men. The rise of feminism and civil rights; increased cultural awareness of Islamophobia; and the very real possibility that a woman may soon break the 200-year-plus lock that men have had on the United States presidency are all challenging that authority. Intellectual spaces have become more accessible for everyone. And that’s caused some men to wield their authority more anxiously, and brutally, to those who challenge it.

  3. UGH.

    I've not personally encountered any Bernie Bros, but then again I am pretty careful about where I comment. But they are pretty stupid if they think they are doing Bernie any favors. Which, to his credit, Bernie himself said. STFU, assholes…

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