Donald Trump vowed to ‘open up’ libel laws to make suing the media easier

7 thoughts on “Donald Trump vowed to ‘open up’ libel laws to make suing the media easier

  1. Alternatively, Trump could simply use the bully pulpit to promote a culture of frivolous libel suits that ultimately wouldn't go anywhere but would force media companies to spend precious resources on defending themselves. If his goal is to cause news outlets to lose money, Trump could conceivably achieve that objective without changing any laws at all.

    Well, shit…

  2. But THIS executive overreach is just fine with the Trumpkins, as long as it isn't the blah guy doing something a fraction as controversial…

  3. I've just heard | news | that Colorado has changed its delegate allocations. All the Republican delegates will be super delegates, not bound by any actual voters. There was a thread at Balloon Juice; the word came at about 9:00 PM EST and shows up in the comment thread. One commenter:
    comments about the Colorado state GOP making everyone a super delegate and cutting the actual primary voters out of the equation. If the overwhelmingly reported plurality or majority of primary votes are for Donald Trump, but the delegates and/or superdelegates get to the convention and someone else is named the nominee, there will be hell to pay….
    So … those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad? Nothing at TPM.

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