53 thoughts on “The Wonkville South Carolina Warm-Up Lap Thread!

  1. Warm-up lap for Super Tuesday, obviously, which I'm imagining will be absolutely insane. Main question for tonight is how many delegates each candidate gets, which will be hard to track because they only report results by county but the delegates are partially done by congressional district.

  2. Also too, this is as good a place as any to feel sorry for myself: not only do I have work commitments during the next two GOP debates (and no, I can't get out of them) but I also have to meet a potential client on the night of the SEC primary. FML…

      1. I know.

        The meeting is at 6:30 Pacific time, though, so I can follow the early coverage. And I'll probably work out afterwards using a cardio machine that has MSNBC and (slow) web access, so I'll get in on some of the fun that night. No such luck for the temper tantrums GOP debates, though…

        1. Oh, that's good to hear at least! Results should come in from the eastern states a bit after 4 Pacific so there's at least something! I'm not sure you're in a bad spot with missing GOP debates though, those are just infuriating.

          Edit: I won't be here for the March 3 one either, actually. Girlfriend's birthday and all.

      1. I'm planning to post each one when a result is called. Some were hard (I had to use polandball memes for one each of Arkansas and Wyoming) but I think it went well!

  3. TWEET
    Mike Nellis ‎@MikeNellis

    I think it’d be hilarious if the Zodiac Killer came forward because he couldn’t stand the idea that people think he is Ted Cruz.

    1. While gains by moderates and reformists in Friday’s polls were most evident in the capital, Tehran, the sheer scale of the advances there suggests a legislature more friendly to the pragmatist Rouhani has emerged as a distinct possibility.

      The residents of Tehrangeles will be glad. Well, the younger ones anyway.

  4. Exit poll from CNN expects 68-31 win for Hillary. 68% is just above what is needed to get an extra statewide delegate.

    1. W]hen presented with 16 pressing issues facing the country, the younger Americans said they were most worried about the widening gap between the rich and the poor. The high cost of a college education was the second most pressing issue.

      All of this is a cause for alarm, according to Luntz, who writes, “The hostility of young Americans to the underpinnings of the American economy and the American government ought to frighten every business and political leader.”

      Oh, for fuck's sake, where to begin?

      1. To many Americans, an affordable education and a thriving middle class are the underpinning of a healthy American economy and government, dumbass.

      2. What every business and political leader should do is work on fixing these problems, not freaking out about the fact that young people are concerned for their fucking futures/

      3. Oh, for fuck's sake.

  5. Nate Cohn
    7:56 PM ET
    Wow, the updated exit poll has Clinton up 87-13 among black voters and 53-47 among white voters. By my math, that implies a 75-25 victory. She currently leads 78 to 22 percent with 14 percent of precincts reporting.

      1. I figured Bernie wouldn't do great since he only bothered to go there once, but this is a much. much larger margin than I expected.

        1. Same. I told someone else I was expecting 65-35 but right now it's 74-26. Feeling really good about Super Tuesday after this.

  6. Tell me, WaPo linky, what is one key explanation for tonight's shellacking?

    according to ABC News, Clinton dominated in a demographic that Sanders had hoped to win in this state: black voters younger than 45. Clinton won that group by 3 to 1. Clinton won whites who were 45 and older by a narrow margin, and won nearly all of the vote among blacks 45 and older

    Well, shit…

  7. Chuck Todd is tweeting shit that boils down to, "eh whatever, she didn't win the primaries that haven't happened yet so can we really call it a win?" Shut up, ChinPube.

    1. Aaaand CNN just cut him off mid-speech. They show the entirety of every damn Trump rally speech. Ratings, I guess. Or, journamalism!

      1. Cutting off someone who actually was in a primary today to cover someone that's not. Is Jan Brewer calling the shots at that awful place?

      2. Or, they know what their advertisers want and don't want to hear. (Being a member of Team Hillary, I can say that without being accused of sour grapes.)

  8. @JessicaTaylor 7 hours ago

    In the past 24hrs, prez candidates have attacked one another for peeing their pants, sweating too much, drinking water & having a spray tan

  9. My dogs want an early walk, and I am over CNN's babbling about Donald Trump, so I'm out. Good night, everyone, and I'll check in when I can on Tuesday!

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