I believe that America has reached Peak Trump and that it is time for strong Citizen Activism. I plan to do my part to Make America Great Again by posting as many fart, barf and poop gifs as time allows, to counterbalance the wind coming from Trump's general direction.
Mmmm…in my meme-set, "Tweety" is Chris Matthews, although I don't know where he garnered that sobriquet.
Oh, I thought Tweety was Malkin. But I'll avoid them both now!
The primary is tomorrow. The teevee has ads. I have received robo calls from Trump and Cruz (who wants to abolish the IRS and "rebuild Americs's military", goals that would seem incompatible unless … I dunno … you got rid of Social Security and Medicare so you could build a fleet of nuclear amphibian battleships? ).
Puppy farts
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/6ffws.gif" />
Donald Trump just got an endorsement from that puppy.
And this guy
<img src="http://0.media.collegehumor.cvcdn.com/13/48/b5b748fc26060ab1b8be57b47388e6dc.gif" />
And it wasn't just in his general direction.
I believe that America has reached Peak Trump and that it is time for strong Citizen Activism. I plan to do my part to Make America Great Again by posting as many fart, barf and poop gifs as time allows, to counterbalance the wind coming from Trump's general direction.
I'm beginning to worry about you.
Was it Bill O'Reilly being randomly in the gif?
Is that him? I wondered.
I think it is. It certainly looks a lot like him.
Karen's just the messenger. We don't have to be upset by the news. There are always fart gifs to restore equilibrium to the universe.
<img src="https://media2.giphy.com/media/KV8qI5dquLs2I/200.gif" />
Also the message is that their weakest candidate is winning, which is good for us!
OMG, you're right! Yay! So fatiqued anymore from Trumpiana, I didn't even bother to realize it was good news
Man those charts with the little colored squares lighting up are pure data-masturbation.
I worry that I'll have 27 windows open in my browser tomorrow night because of this kind of thing.
It's gonna be nerd-fest fun! If it isn't all over 15 minutes after the first polls close!
Here's hoping they keep a tight leash on Tweety.
I think we'll have some things to watch, and if not there's always Alaska for the late-night people on the west coast!
I think the interesting states seem to be Arkansas R, Minnesota R, Texas R, Colorado D (that could be really close), Massachusetts D, and Minnesota D.
Reminder to self: Do everything possible to avoid Tweety. She'll be freaking out tomorrow.
Mmmm…in my meme-set, "Tweety" is Chris Matthews, although I don't know where he garnered that sobriquet.
Oh, I thought Tweety was Malkin. But I'll avoid them both now!
The primary is tomorrow. The teevee has ads. I have received robo calls from Trump and Cruz (who wants to abolish the IRS and "rebuild Americs's military", goals that would seem incompatible unless … I dunno … you got rid of Social Security and Medicare so you could build a fleet of nuclear amphibian battleships? ).