Battle of the Billionaires Trump Romney

Just to put yinz in the mood for the GOP debate that I have to miss

134 thoughts on “Just to put yinz in the mood for the GOP debate that I have to miss

  1. Aw, thanks, whoever made this the stickied post!

    Anyway, I'll read all of your good snark when I get back. Have fun, everyone!

      1. Blakiston’s fish owl!! WOOH, that's a new one on me! Excellent!

        I gotta hand it to this guy. Everyone I know who's banded and/or worked with raptors have awesome scars.

        EDIT: There's Great Horned Owls here. They're enormous. I'm unable to grasp the size of these.

  2. Will Marco be in full Andrew-Dice-Clay mode tonight? "What's the deal with Trump? He says he's a conservative, but lookit that hair, amirite?"

    Will Kasich wear a cardigan sweater and hold an unlit corncob pipe while lecturing us about how we need to be nicer to each other?

    Will Cruz call for Trump to be kicked out of the debate for violating Article IX, Subsection 3(a)[6]{N} of Roberts' Rules of Order?

    And will Trump…shoot, I got nothing. Tune in and see!

  3. Against my better judgement, I added the FOX News app to the Roku thingy, specifically to catch the stream of horrific garbage spewing out of this debate. Now I feel all dirty.

    I am for sure deleting this as soon as I can. Again.

  4. Chris Wallace is calling out Drumpf?
    Shit Chris, what if the viewers find out how little of the budget is actually used for those programs.

    1. Hey Biff, glad you could make it. Just C_R_ and I so far.
      C_R_ is right, lets drop this and go get a pizza.

  5. I reckon Trmp is gonna do all that killing and torture himself if the military won't do it.
    [ not that I think for a second that the Military have suddenly realized that Chelsea Manning was right about that crap ]

  6. Let's revive the spirit of America by saying 'No' to anything the Prez. has wanted to do for the last 8 years.

  7. Kasich : Think about dealing with the law on cupcakes and photography.
    [Rel Rt. goes berserk ]

    Didn't say anything about 'bortin no babbies though . [or I coulda missed it ]

  8. Yes. Megyn's tried to get Drumpf to stop equivocation on major issues and Chris Wallace (!) trued to get him to explain his incredibly thin economic plan. We learned nothing, of course but an admirable try.

  9. We had one sorta. When they first sited the vis ctr and mgr res, hydrologist found a perched aquifer right off the floodplain. No biologicals from test well. Drilled a supply well. Then the full set of tests came back. Thalium, thorium , radon, uranium. Capped it with cement.

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