
That time that Bernie Sanders had nuclear waste sent to Texas

7 thoughts on “That time that Bernie Sanders had nuclear waste sent to Texas

  1. So this story is from back in February, as is every other story on this, it came up after the MI debates in response to Sanders saying about how if Flint had been white there would have been outrage.

    All over FB I see people going on about how the Media is trying to smear Sanders, but if that were true, why didn't this become a bigger story?

  2. 1) This isn't that horribly bad, but it does show that Saint Sanders isn't the Messiah that the Bern Bros insist he is. Bernie is just another politicians who makes deals and does political calculus just like the rest of them.
    2) This shows the whole "the media hates Bernie and wants to smear him" meme is nonsense. The MSM is inept, not out for Sanders. They fuck up coverage of all the candidates, ignore both Hillary and Bernie to suck Drumpf's tiny little knob and most of the inattention to sanders was due his not being newsworthy, not any innate bias
    3) It's terrible the way small, poor towns like this get picked on and abused just because they can't fight back. However, Sierra Blanca is a shitstain of a town whose main claim to fame is the notoriously corrupt Border Patrol stop that regularly shakes down travelers as they cross the NM border into Texas (most of the stories of tour buses like Little Wayne and Willie Nelson getting busted in west Texas are at this very stop). They caught me there once,many years ago and ended up taking all my money on a bunch of BS pretenses and at this point I would personally drive the dump truck full of nuclear waste right up to their fucking city hall and pull the lever to dump the toxic load right into the middle of that corrupt shithole- so no sympathy from me in this particular case of a small town being exploited.

    1. I find it amazing that any supporter of any candidate could call their favorite "not a politician" and yet it's thrown around everywhere. They're all politicians, even Trump. We're all just trying to pick which politician we think would do the best job.

      The only innate bias the mainstream media has is being pro-ratings. People watch Trump, so they get views, and neutral reporting loses. There's a lot of bias on internet sources though, even if they aren't mainstream media (yet)

    2. This is how I feel about it. It doesn't discredit him as a good choice for president, but it does bring him down to Hillary Level.

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