15 thoughts on “Someone had to do it (autoplay, technically)

  1. That is bizarre and brilliant–just what I needed after a day with a good morning turned into one with a crappy afternoon. Thanks!

    1. Yeah, I'm glad I looked at YTMND for the first time in a few months. Been a really bad day on my end too so this cheered me up as well! 😀

  2. Professional wrestlers are a very specialized type of clown, and watching on teevee as a kid I totally bought into the fake drama—"Oh boy, he's mad now. This is going to be good!" And it always was.

    The point being that "professional" wrestling used to be harmless entertainment, and to the extent it still is there hardly seems to be any point to humiliating some old goofball because he made a sex tape, knowingly or otherwise. If the participants didn't want it released, it shouldn't have been. Denton's tortured argument about a worse tape with racist statements, whether true or not, is beside the point.

  3. The fact that I found this about 5 minutes before that comment on the other thread makes it seem like destiny.

    It's been an awful day, especially with Brussels and the attacks there.

  4. Remember, last time Brussels was locked down for terrorism, they decided to post cat pictures on the internet to pass the time.

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