19 thoughts on “Perennial Pine Poontang Party Producing Prodigious Pollen Plumes

  1. Pine shouldn't (usually) be a problem. But all sorts of other things are producing pollen (oaks, hickories, etc). The pine pollen is visible everywhere, but seldom a problem. Jeeze, this is dragging on, even at work it is affecting me.

  2. Right, at about 85 micrometers the average pine pollen grain won't get past the nasal hairs. All the real nasties and the Maples, box elders, Oaks and such that are 20 – 35 micrometers. The pine pollen is just annoying in that it gets all over everything – cars, windows, the floor , dogs. Everything's yellow. I can't wait for rain, then all the yellow will be in huge bands in the creeks.

  3. I go out to my car. I use a soft-bristled brush to sweep the pollen off my car, as I've decided that mixing dry pollen with wiper fluid results in a yellow sludge that really doesn't improve the situation. I then drive at highway speeds over four miles of open water. I get to work, and I have to sweep more fucking pollen off my car!

    1. Driving down the road and seeing the visibility ahead go to near zero from a cloud of smoke that you suddenly realize is pollen blowing out of the sex organs of the stand of pines along the highway is an actual thing now.

  4. Susan Kosisky, the chief microbiologist in charge of that task for the U.S. Army Centralized Allergen Extract Laboratory


    “They say if you come to the Washington, D.C., region without an allergy, there is a chance you will leave with one.”

    No mention of whether she winked while saying that.

  5. Central Texas is lucky to have mountain juniper AKA cedar trees. The males release pollen in February leading to 'cedar fever' which bedevils a lot of people. The trees do produce berries useful for marinades and making liquors but the Native Americans were smart enough to let fires burn which kept the population and range of the tree controlled. When the whites invaded and claimed the land they put fires out which lead to an infestation of that pestilence among others. Including the whites themselves.

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