9 thoughts on “AMERICIA

      1. Frio 6.0. 30 cans for $16.97 (previously on sale for $14.97).

        I really am in reduced circumstances. I miss Aventinus. 😿

  1. Because I lived in St Louis for some years, where A-B was a yooge influence in business and politics, I read [this book], and learned that just before it was taken over by Inbev, Anheuser-Busch had a fleet of private jets for its executives and large distributors to fly around in, and twenty (20) full-time pilots on the payroll, and were virtually the only user of a general aviation airport. They had about half of the US beer market, and it is apparently a very lucrative one.

  2. Augie Busch owned or owns a farm that once belonged to President Grant, and flew to the brewery in a helicopter every morning. The brewery is in beautiful old industrial buildings in the city and is a (very generous) union employer. There are all kind of high-end restaurants around it so the execs can lunch in the style they're accustomed to. The family owns the Cardinals and favored players were rewarded with lucrative distributorships upon retirement.

    When InBev first offered a buyout, various politicians said no way, we'll pass a law, they're Belgians and Brazilians, what about the Clydesdales, etc. There were all kinds of struggles within the Busch family about whether to accept or not, but when InBev upped their offer $5/share, Augie said, "Done!" and that was it. InBev changed its name to Anheuser-Busch/InBev because why not; nobody ever walked into a bar and said, "Gimme an InBev!"

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