45 thoughts on “WHO?

  1. Alas, I know who D.F. is thanks to Roy Edroso.
    e.g. Believe it or don't, McArdle was still out-crazied — but, less surprisingly, by David French:

    "The American people need the chance to make a better choice. Given the stakes of the election, to simply leave the race to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is to guarantee a terrible presidency marked by incompetence and cronyism. There is just one hope — however slim — of avoiding this national disaster: America needs a third option.

    And at this point, Mitt Romney is the only man who combines the integrity, financial resources, name recognition, and broad public support to make a realistic independent run at the presidency."


  2. Oh, man, the story about how when this guy left the country for a year and made his wife agree not to drink, talk on the phone with any man, email any man, or use Facebook while he was away… and then she emailed a guy anyway to talk about Jesus, and he flipped out because obviously the guy was trying to seduce her… Thank you, Bill Kristol, I have missed having a creepy Jesus-obsessed loser in the race. It's almost like having Ted Cruz back again!

    1. Is there a link to the story about his wife in the article?

      Also: served in Iraq, fine. Served in Iraq as a JAG officer (attorney) usually means never leaving brigade headquarters except to go to the mess hall, officers club or your, uh….bunk.

      1. It was in NRO. I know the Editrix saw the anecdote on twiter, so I am sure it will be part of the FP story.

  3. It's unclear whether a third-party conservative candidate would split Trump supporters or Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's supporters, especially considering that 19 percent of Republicans have said that they would vote for Clinton over Trump.

    WHOA if true–that's twice as high as my most optimistic estimate!

  4. Oh geez, I wish I had seen this torching before we learned it was French.

    Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate–an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.

    @Max Blumenthal
    Ahmed Chalabi?

    1. Damn, I wish I'd known this wasn't common knowledge. Twitter was ripping on this all weekend, with some amazing suggestions.

  5. Sounds like some damn flip-floppin' frog to me. I never vote for them frogs. In Luzianne, we fry 'em. My Daddy voted fer the goddamn Kingfish or some such. I didn't get jack shit. Still gotta catch my crawfish myself and fuck my sister.

  6. Oh good luck and off to do your Civic Duty! It really is interesting, though the selection process will take up most of your day.

    I've been called up for J.D. four times since I moved out to This Benighted Peninsula and haven't been picked once. The first time, they filled the queue before they got to my (high) number, but all the other times I guess they didn't like my answers. I wasn't even trying to be weird. Well, Weirder.

    Oh, and electronics were Strictly Verboten in the courtroom. I brought a book, which was OK.

    1. It's awesome when you're actually called in and the judge says "You know, there's a continuance in this case. I won't waste anyone's time here, you all can't be here for two weeks.." AND tells you that you get credit for showing up on a jury to boot!!
      (I ain't shruggin' off my civic duty, but that was actually a relief for me at the time.)

  7. I've been reading The Rise and Fall of American Growth, and the author points out that three of the most wildly popular and important works of popular entertainment in the period from 1890 until 1940 were "Gone With The Wind," "The Birth of a Nation" and "Amos 'n' Andy."

    The book isn't about racism but it does seem odd that the fall of slavery, the systematic attempt to continue oppression of its victims, and the ridicule of the resulting African-American culture by white actors are the subjects that most engaged us.

    Yeah, OT, sorry.

      1. "According to the widely-read political Web log known as 'Wonkville,' third-party candidate David French's spouse has made significant contributions to the highly-regard Bristol/Sarah Palin oeuvre."

          1. The Kristol Konnection: it's all becoming clear now.

            Do you suppose his gardener has any literary or political aspirations?

  8. It's a good book, actually, and the writer argues that public sanitation (water and sewer), electricity and transportation improvements in the period created huge, positive, unrepeatable changes in quality of life and productivity, more important than the Internet, computers and all the other stuff we're currently excited about. There are graphs…many, many graphs, with no 3D chartjunk, which you would know the meaning of if you've read Tufte as I believe I've instructed you to do.

  9. Zing-a-Zing!
    No, really– where do Scientologists meet at the end? I know it's not like Kolob or whatfuckingever. Is it that you just pay half a mil or more to be clear? I think that's it.

    Oh, wait.
    Did you hear about where they found the last members of Heaven's Gate?
    They were underneath the sink, looking for the Comet.

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