1. She's going to effect far more lefty change than her democratic detractors give her credit for now. She also will not get as much done as they like, because #POLITICS and they'll blame her personally for that instead of acknowledging that she's dealing with a system. But she's gonna be a good, savvy POTUS.

    1. I LOVE It! Also LOVE the image for this post. Simply awesome.

      As long as I'm making a list, I love that song the post links to. Everything about it. Makes me happy.

  2. My guess is that she ends up slightly left of Obama. She'll get a decent amount done, but agreed that a lot won't happen because of the GOP. Those of us that backed Obama and got really into politics for the first time in 2008 and saw the gridlock stop him a lot learned that the hard way.

    1. Yes. That's a good assessment. Let her surprise you, nay-sayers. And look at her record instead of your fee-fees.

        1. And other states should consider modeling their down-ballot races on California. It tends to lessen the extreme rhetoric of the GOP crazies when everyone can vote for everyone, and the top two vote-getters go to the general. It's very effective and leads to better candidates, which leads to better governance.

          1. THIS. Closely followed by not educating our voters on the importance of down-ticket races in general: the Democratic losses in the statehouses have been fucking catastrophic FFS!

          2. It's bad enough here that there's an outside chance of a GOP supermajority if things break the wrong way. Seems unlikely but a real possibility, even with a Hillary win.

          1. If there's someone on WV who is good with pshop I think it would be really fun to pshop her into the Nancy Drew Mysteries book covers.

  3. She is so ready! I think the last 8 years, following her disappointment at having to concede to Barry Bamz, have actually been a good learning environment for Hillz. Yes, there's the Sec of State chops she's honed, but I think too she (like all of us) have learned how spite has turned the Legislative branch into a bunch of useless obstructionist assholes. I really doubt she'll bother with trying to bend over backwards to appease Congress, the way Bamz started out. Not that she's incapable of compromise, but why even try when your goodwill will get you nowhere? Of course she'll have to get through the general first, but she's one politically savvy lady and if her "foreign P" speech of last week is any indication, she'll cut through the orange yam like a hot blade through softened butter. Butter which we can then melt to pour over our freshly-popped corn.
    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/2qdDUkc.gif"&gt;

    1. That's so true. She embraces her agenda this time around and she knows how to navigate the obstacles in Congress. I don't think they even phase her in the least. It truly is her moment.

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