47 thoughts on “Famous native American to endorse Clinton TONIGHT

      1. Queen Liz's hubby is officially Prince Consort. The consort is good, but I can't come up with a replacement for prince. Veep Consort?

  1. @vplus

    JUST IN: GOP Sen. Susan Collins tells @RyanLizza she is open to voting for Hillary Clinton

          1. Looked into it more and found the answer.

            "I think we would be so lucky if Trump won," she told The Hollywood Reporter.

            "Because then it wouldn't be Hilary."

      1. The weirdest part is that somehow Trump has never personally insulted Roseanne, apparently, in all these years. You'd think he'd have gotten to every single woman famous since 1980.

  2. |Great article on Warren's endorsement.||

    She says she held off until now because she felt that the work of Bernie's campaign was "powerfully important." God, I love how this campaign is shaping up. The dems are all going to get together. Somewhere else I read today that basically Sanders has probably more or less shifted most of the next generation of voters to the left.

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