Chuck Todd Is Really Sad Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Didn’t Congratulate Each Other
When you can’t even acknowledge that the other side deserves a congratulations on an achievement that is very difficult, winning a major party presidential nomination — when that simple decorum is gone, think about what the next 4 1/2 months is going to look like.
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OT, I never realized that door-kicking gif is |fake.|
Yeah, but it's still awesome.…
[ snert! ]
I think that this is beginning to be fun.
Important update: "Delete your account" is trending worldwide on twitter due to this tweet.
Another Important Update: I am having fun.
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If the campaign is going to be like the last few days it'll be a good one!
That's a fantastic picture, classic Delete Your Account.
Tough call, but this one came in a close second:
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Haha, one tweet says, "The BURN heard 'round the world." lolololololol *breath* olollololol
This is going to be more fun that Rmoney.
A lot of interesting articles popping up on Twitter when I click on the "Delete your account" link, including |this.|
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Imagine a rally. The speaker before Hillary is Barack Obama. He introduces Hillary Clinton, who comes out to Bill Clinton's sax.
Please tell me he's playing [Harlem Nocturne!]
Obscure version, thanks. Would've loved to have seen [these guys] together.
"Obscure" is one of those F-Fox add-ons for YT.
[And in a related story]:
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