60 thoughts on “Has the tRump Bubble Burst?

  1. Hopefully, his tweet today regarding the Orlando massacre starting, "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism…" will finally wake people up that this man would be dangerous if given ANY authority.

    1. I just saw that. Wow. What a tactless buffoon. Does he not see how that will work against him? He has no long game (thankfully).

      1. Also, crowing about "being right" that we need to keep new Muslim immigrants out… the murderer was born in the US and has always been a citizen. So what the fuck does this moron Trump think he was right about?

  2. This is totally off topic, but does anyone have any suggestions about a dog who is eating grass? She doesn't seem distressed, but she was coughing earlier this morning, and honking, like she was trying to get something out of her airway, then when walked her she stopped at every lawn to eat some grass, so I bought her a basket of wheat grass at the farmers market and she ate that, too. She doesn't seem distressed (yet) and I'd take her to the vet, but it's Sunday and the only vet is the pricey ER vet a town away. I'm wondering if it can wait until tomorrow. She's eating the wheat grass again right now.

      1. That's what I assume. Google isn't being helpful, either. I cut up some of the wheatgrass and put it in her bowl and she ate all of it. I guess for now I can only watch and wait.

        1. Yeah, what Weej said. The main reasons dogs eat grass seem to be:
          * as a digestion aid
          * self-medicating for intestinal worms
          * they want more fiber in their diet
          * they like it
          * boredom
          Usually they don't Chunder Everywharr after eating grass, but sometimes right after. You'll know.
          If this is something that just started, then look for these signs:
          * did she eat something unusual/wrong recently?
          * when was the last time she was wormed? Are there worms in the neighborhood/other pets?
          * Bored?
          * Sometimes dogs that have mild colds or postnasal drip eat grass to clear out mucus. You usually see it on the floor later.
          You can add some fiber to her food, like cooked veggies. Canned pumpkin is very good (not the pie mix!)
          I'd keep her away from anyone's lawn who uses a lawn service. Bad chemicals & fertilizers, etc. Too much grass can cause an intestinal blockage (but they have to eat a LOT).
          It's probably OK. Dogs are opportunistic eaters – omnivores and scavengers. They will eat ANYTHING, at any time, usually successfully. Yes, I have stories. Grass is something that they think they need, as long as they don't get too much at once.
          A good online resource is, believe it or not, | WebMD. | The | AKC | has a pretty good suite of health resources, too.
          Good luck.

          1. Thanks! She was coughing and honking so I am worried she got a foxtail or burr in her system, which concerns me. And she ate all the wheat grass that I cut up and put in her bowl, which is probably far more than she should be eating. But the fact that she at it all must indicate she's got some tummy distress. Also, one of my cats did have a tapeworm a week or two ago (still creeped out over that). She's quiet now, resting. I guess I'll just watch and wait, and call the vet first thing tomorrow.

            Also, I do have canned doggie pumpkin, I can put some of that in her food tonight, see if it helps.

            In my mind there's this ticker rolling now, with dollar signs adding up…

          2. Welcome! Dogs never developed a mechanism to shut off their feeding behaviors – evolving as scavengers and part time predators they never got enough food in the wild and when they did, it was usually Boom and Bust. They'll eat everything they can for as long as they are physically able.

            If it's a seed pod, he Vet will be able to see it and get it out pretty fast. Possible, the grass will wrap all around it and it will come out naturally. Might still be mucus, if she's honking. Pumpkin's a good idea, they think it's a treat.

            In my mind there's this ticker rolling now, with dollar signs adding up

            Yeah, I know. Ya do what ya gotta do though.

          3. A grass awn or burr is def something to rule out right away, so it's off to the Vet you go!

            I'm betting its nothing much, though. Dogs have the habit of scaring the beejezus out of you for a few days then everything's just fine.

          4. God, I hope you're right. I love my cats of course, but my dog is my little buddy. I can't abide the idea of her being in distress. Any of them being in distress, but the cats seem better at toughing things out.

          5. Working on farms I've gotten used to giving all animals including cats & dogs water with a little Bragg's apple cider vinegar in it and an occasional dose of food grade diatemaceous earth. Just as a weekly thing.

    1. My Jack Russell Terrier mix eats a bit of grass pretty much every time I walk him, and he seems to be fine. Might not be anything to worry about, though I would keep an eye on her just in case.

  3. Dear NBC: Maaaaybe don't take the word of the father of the nation's worst mass murderer at face value and repeat it over and over. You are quoting a man who raised a killer.

    Sorry, this is pissing me off. This guy did not become a homophobe three months ago. He did not become a gun-fondling woman-hating, LGBT-hating killer in a vacuum.

    1. This. These people get this way for a reason. And a lot of that reason often has to do with messaging from parents. Same with that Stanford asshole.

  4. Well, earlier I was all set to post a long screed about how nightmare tragedies like last night are just the thing that will save Drumpf's candidacy. He would go All In on the Nativist/Anti-Mooslem/Fear act he's been honing, all the frightened, angry and just plain asshole people will fall in line behind the Maximum Leader and the Republican Party will finally go All In behind him too. Of course the line of attack would be Weak Democrat, Political Correctness and if we could only let our Military do their job and bomb the fuck out of [ insert today's boogieman here] and *irresponsible speculation* and Support our Troops and disgusting Nationalist Flag-Waving welded to the Republican Brand and ""Socialism! Amirite?"

    Then that Tweet hit. It's becoming more excruciatingly obvious now that Drumpf is a massively pathological narcissistic fool who's manifestly unfit for any public office at all, much less the most powerful and consequential office in the world at a crucial and dangerous time in human history.

    I mean, even Gingrich could have made capital out of this travesty. Drumpf blows it on the first public release. In a Tweet, no less.

    If you're at all confused as to whether Drumpf still belongs in the Republican Party, let's hand the mike over to the | Lt Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick. |

    Thanks, Dan. Nice Christian charity you're got there.

    1. This might sound crass, and if so, I apologize, but my only regret about Trump's response to this horrible event is timing. I wish all this Trump backlash were instead happening after the GOP convention, when his nomination is already secure. I think right now there's still a chance they could choose someone else at the convention? I only say that because of course there's no chance he can win, but if they choose someone else, that might get conservatives's hopes up again, and it might mean less chances for down-ballot dems to do well, etc.

      That said, Trump's gonna Trump, and if it hadn't been this gunmen it would have been some other tragedy that he'd open his mouth about, so whatever is going to happen is going to happen.

      1. Too late for that. Both McConnell and Ryan have thrown their lot in with Drumpf, other elected R's have given conditional support. He's permanently welded to the Republican Party now and the more stupid, irresponsible things he says the more his Base gets on board. If the Establishment forces another candidate at the convention, it'll split the party for good and they know it.

        1. I almost hate to say it but that's reassuring. And really, it's better for even the Republicans. People everywhere will be better off under a Democratic administration. Lives will improve.

          1. I like to think that even most Republicans will realize that handing Trump the Presidency of the United States is an unacceptable level of risk. If I think it hard enough, perhaps it'll even come true.

    2. Trump has now issued a much wordier statement on this, in which he demands that President Obama resign and Hillary withdraw if they don't say Trump's magic words, "Radical Islam". Meanwhile, he never mentions the victims AT ALL and definitely never mentions that it was a gay club having a Latinx Pride Night.

      1. I think the technical term is "Malignant Narcissim". He's exhibited it with the Airbus crash and Stockton mass shooting, so this is just more of the same. I'm wondering how many of his Followers have it too.

  5. By the way, what happened last night was not "The Worst Mass Shooting Murder in U.S. History". It's the Latest "Worst Mass Shooting Murder in U.S. History"

    I never says this, but "God help us all" seems appropriate.

      1. The really jaw-dropping part is NBC still has Brian Williams quoting this loon's bullshit story about seeing two men kissing in front of his wife and 3-year-old son, neither of which seem to exist, and conveniently leaving out the dad's claim that this was witnessed in a bathroom (so… the entire family was in the Men's room and saw two men making out by the urinals?). I know they love their scoops, but how the fuck did this pass any sniff test, let alone become something you repeat on air for 12 hours with no caveats?

        1. It baffles me that they brought him back. It must mean he gets good ratings in their marketing tests, which baffles me, because he has always struck me as a bimbo who is dazzled by celebrities and is not a real journalist. Also, have people actually forgotten that he fabricated stories? Baffling.

          1. I don't get it any more than I understand them remaking MSNBC into a slightly right-leaning station dominated by white male anchors.

          2. The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed,
            But swollen with wind and the rank mist they draw,
            Rot inwardly, and foul contagion spread …

            – Lycidias, poem, by Milton, John.

            By way of The Sheep Look Up by Brunner, John.
            Read this book, but only if you are fond of nightmares and depression.

  6. Very O/T: Just got back from a walk and the humidity has absolutely plummited:

    at 3 PM:
    89 °F
    Dew Point 71 °F
    Humidity 76%

    Now (6:30 PM):
    75.5 °F
    Dew Point 45 °F
    Humidity 24%

    Hotcha! Clear, very sunny and seriously windy out. It'll be outstandingly nice on Monday. Of course.

    1. Oh wow, we had a similar front this afternoon. It came just slightly too late for me to be able to enjoy it!

  7. OT: On many reality shows, people will put their phones on full-volume speaker and hold them flat in their hands and shout into them, because cameras and needing to hear both sides of the conversation. My brand-new neighbor apparently thinks this is a thing people are supposed to do in real life, and does, for hours, sitting outside my open windows.

    In other news, I really hate my new neighbor.

  8. It's a she. And she seems really obsessed with the cleanliness of her SUV, so I think I might accidentally leave some breadcrumbs on its roof. The squirrels look hungry.

    1. Aha, noted. We put an entire loaf of Wonder Bread on top of a particularly odious houseguest's car once, during Laughing Gull breeding season. It was like a rolling guano factory, afterwards, the stuff baked right on the windshield.
      Highly recommend, would prank again..

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