
Leaked Doc Shows Sanders Team Wanted DNC to Give them a Private Plane, Other Strategies Pre-Calif

17 thoughts on “Leaked Doc Shows Sanders Team Wanted DNC to Give them a Private Plane, Other Strategies Pre-Calif

    1. *Snirk* I believe that world be Killary.

      I have no beef against Bern or the hard-fought campaign or doing what he could to win. But I do think it's instructive to see that his team too was into a bit of scheming. Not quite the purest angel that his fan club would want us to believe. My point is that Hillary deserves some slack from the purity squad, and I do hope we can pull it together this week.

    1. Yes, you say to him,"Please reconsider", then tell him you know an old elitist establishment fart who thinks he's a fucking stupid asshole.

    2. "And the lesson the DNC will draw from that is that they should go even further when it comes to tapping down outsider candidates. How is that helpful?"

  1. NPR interviewed a Bernie delegate who was adamant that Bernie is the real winner and that Hillary should recognize that and get out. And Trump has been tweeting all day about how it really was rigged and Democrats should vote for him.

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