43 thoughts on “There’s a convention tonight or something.

  1. I'm too lazy to find a new picture today so here's an old one

    idk I just thought we should have somewhere to discuss the convention

  2. Jason Noble

    Iowa delegate @chris_laursen: “Bernie basically fed us a bunch of Mountain Dew and now he wants us to go to bed. It’s not going to happen.”


    1. "Come to the Democratic side, we have pretzels and cheesesteak"

      "Not interested"

      "But you can catch a Snorlax"


  3. Seems like some ad-libbing happened at the best time.

    David Wasserman 9:23 PM

    Clare’s right that Silverman’s “you’re being ridiculous” line generated the biggest cheer of the night, but it also appears (surprise, surprise) to have riled up “Bernie or Bust” people. I was watching the teleprompter as Sarah Silverman was speaking and that was definitely off the cuff.

    1. Some one of the NPR commenters said earlier that he's sure that tonight's events are precision choreographed and psychologically tailored to both defuse the Berners and bring the caucus together. I think he's right and I think it's working.

  4. Relevant to earlier : Allah pundit ‏@ allahpundit 22m22 minutes ago
    Somewhere a nervous, sweaty Paul Manafort is thinking “Please don’t let him tweet about FLOTUS”

      1. Yeah, like Lot sez below, he had to give props, I understand, just had a moment where I thought he might not wanna rein it in. But he did.

  5. Bernie's doing the right thing. He had to pay some debts first, but he's getting it done for Hillary.

    He's also, as always, kinda boring.

    1. I only watched one full primary speech of his, it did get kinda snoozy. I guess I thought this was crisp compared to that. Ended before I started eye-rolls.
      Still mostly glad he was in it.

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