"I talked to the general counsel of the DNC today and he assures me that every step along the way when we were notified of these issues that we changed systems, changed procedures," said DNC vice chairwoman Donna Brazile to CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "But these hackers are so sophisticated that they changed procedures. So yes, it went on for more than a year, but at no time did we ignore the warning from the FBI or any other federal officials."
This changes EVERYTHING!
Their first clue was when they this guy started showing up in the DNC headquarters parking lot.
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Acoustic_aircraft_detection_horns.jpeg">
"I hear you, man, but what are you saying?"
Yeah, I'm not seeing any "there" there.
"Careless Dems can't safeguard sensitive information!"
So the only thing not hacked was Hillary's server. Hmm.
probably the only one that didn't upgrade to windows 10
The upgrade nagware was the Trojan!
Run! The nagware is coming from INSIDE THE OS!