23 thoughts on “Local Man Has Thoughts, Shares Them

  1. Um, let me see if I can unwrap the logic behind this.

    God made man as a leader of the home.

    Well, according to an ancient book of Middle Eastern Tall Tales written exclusively by men, but I'll accept that.

    The president of any country should be a man. God made it this way

    Okay, I'll bite. God made Man in His image. God's in charge Up There, so he's detailed Man to be in charge Down Here. Seems reasonable.

    Clinton, a woman, has spent her life trying to be the man. She’s a politician with a reputation for lying and being sneaky and corrupt.

    Hillary Clinton's trying to be a Man. Men run things, especially Politicians who are Men.
    Hillary is a "Politician with a reputation for lying and being sneaky and corrupt." Because she's trying to be a Man. Who runs things.
    Politicians who are Men are liars, sneaky and corrupt.
    God made Man in His image.
    God is lying, sneaky and corrupt.

    Yeah, that does make sense.

  2. I watch a lot of women on TV and in person. They’ll vote for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for the sole reason she’s a woman.

    Yeah, that's why Pat Schroeder and Elizabeth Dole got the nominations in 1988 and 2000, respectively. b Uh huh…

    I see the support of women for Clinton as reaching for the father or husband and, yes, leader they never had.

    Sure, because her qualifications, experience and policy positions have nothing to do with the support she has from women and men.

    Yo, Ed honey?

    <img src="https://lowcarbconfidential.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/asshole2.jpg"&gt;

        1. Correction noted and accepted, with thanks. I usually cross check these things with teh googlez ,but not this time of course. In my defense it's been an age since I've even thought about G.M. much less tried to write her name. '
          Pretty sure I'm pronouncing it correctly, though.

    1. Pat Schroeder was my congresscritter for many years and I admired her in many ways. She represented a sinkhole for Dem votes in Denver and could always get re-elected. But she never acquired any influence in the House. Maybe she needed to lie more and try to be more mannish.

      Yeah, that must've been it.

      1. Yes, I have to thank Callyson for reminding me of Pat Schroeder, whom it's sad to say I'd completely forgotten about, and now must look up to re-acquaint myself…
        Oh ferchrissakes. FIRST woman elected to congress from Colorado? Was CO srsly that much farther behind-the-times than Texas? Barbara Jordan took her seat in the Senate 7 years prior!

  3. Mr. Mathews has many thoughts he shares with readers of DNT. A person with the same name and location also re-builds and sells vintage guitars.

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