Welcome to the Fucking End Times: “God Sent Donald Trump to Wage War Against Destructive Spirits”

16 thoughts on “Welcome to the Fucking End Times: “God Sent Donald Trump to Wage War Against Destructive Spirits”

    1. The Blue Cut fire exploded across the hills and canyon of San Bernardino County, forcing residents to flee their homes. Interstate 15, the main route between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, remains closed.

      Thank you for not using 'so called', L.A. Times

  1. "Under Hillary, America will undergo the final phase of Obama's radical socialist cultural transformation with astonishing speed. Just one man stands in its path."

    I wish these people could see what real socialism looks like—either Soviet style, with collective farms and jobs for all but no meaningful work, or western European style, with visible prosperity and high taxes that provide health care and education for all. We are so far from either of these models, and this writer must know it.

  2. These gullible fucks will buy anything. See creationism and the inerrancy of the bible. so why wouldn't they buy a total unrequited huckster like tRump?

    1. The front page had a nice line: "Trump does well with evangelicals, at least the ministers, as they can spot a fellow con man a mile away"

  3. The media assault on Trump is unprecedented. Political analyst Pat Caddell says, "This is the crisis of democracy—the mainstream media, which is in the tank in the most violent way against Donald Trump, and for Hillary Clinton, that I have ever seen in the 45 years that I have been at the top of presidential politics."

    Caddell added, "And it is terrifying … Not just that they're for Hillary, and telling us that Trump is evil, and my God, no human being could possibly vote for him; it is what they are omitting, the facts that they will not tell the American people."

    <img src="https://blahblohblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/these-people-are-too-damn-crazy.jpg"&gt;

  4. There is a reference to Cyrus at the beginning of the article and later a mention of 'wrecking ball'. Miley isn't stupid enough to support Trump, is she?

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