7 thoughts on “More Proof of Trump’s Assholeness

  1. Donald Trump had such extraordinary leverage that there came a day when the bankers were concerned that Donald Trump did not have insurance on his yacht, which he bought for some $20 million. Trump's associates basically told the bank, "Look, you need to pay for the insurance on the yacht, because if something happens to it, you'll have nothing." He eventually got the bank to pay insurance that Donald Trump himself didn't have.

    One Weird Trick to balance the budget!

    1. Was gonna post that para myself: it's just the way he'd run the country. "Look, Granny, this bond you've been living on the past twenty years pays three percent, but the Treasury Department can't afford that anymore. Would you settle for one-point-five, or would you rather we just default on the bond? Better to live on cat food than not have any income at all!"

  2. From the youngest age, about age 6 or 7, he pelted the neighbor's toddler with rocks from across the yard. He pulled the pigtails of a classmate. He got into a physical altercation with one of his teachers, and so he was someone who was kind of a rambunctious kid, even obnoxious by some accounts, and he says that he hasn't changed since second grade.

    I'm sure it's purely coincidental that most famous adult sociopaths started out exactly this way.

      1. You know, my older bro (2 years older) was hyper-competitive in grade school- a year ahead of kids his age in sports. My mom had to drive him across town to the only kid who could give him a run for his money in chess (that kid later got a PhD in astrophysics). He was borderline sadistic to his siblings (Things I learned from my older bro: I can dislocate my shoulders). He mellowed out in high school, but I make sure to get a good punch in every once in a while when I see him, payback, you know.

        1. I did chess club for one year in 8th grade. I got wrecked when I had to face the junior national champion in a match.

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