23 thoughts on “Republican War Good, Democratic War Bad

    1. We need a great leader, not a politician, someone unhampered by political correctness and willing to both name and smite our enemies. Perhaps one day such a man will emerge. Only he can save us.

    1. Indeed. Man, if only the rules were the same for the physical sciences as for medicine. If I wasn't good enough to go to grad school in the states, I'd have to go to some nice tropical island for my research. *sigh*

  1. Speaking of war, how about a glimpse of preparations for the The Debates of the Century©, courtesy of WaPo?

    Hillary Clinton is methodically preparing for the presidential debates as a veteran lawyer would approach her biggest trial. She pores over briefing books thick with policy arcana and opposition research. She internalizes tips from the most seasoned debate coaches in her party. And she rehearses, over and over again, to perfect the pacing and substance of her presentation.

    Donald Trump is taking a different approach. He summons his informal band of counselors — including former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, talk-radio host Laura Ingraham and ousted Fox News Channel chairman Roger Ailes — to his New Jersey golf course for Sunday chats. Over bacon cheeseburgers, hot dogs and glasses of Coca-Cola, they test out zingers and chew over ways to refine the Republican nominee’s pitch.

    That nice healthy diet should help Trump be mentally prepared, at least.

        1. yeah, the one thing that came out of the US trying to go metric- 1 and 2 liter soda bottles. Freedom!

          Back when I worked at a fuel cell company, we used PBI/phosphoric acid membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs). I told folks that each MEA had as much phosphoric acid as two cans of coke. Science you can use.

  2. The biggest threat to America now, apart from Iraqi regulars and irregulars, is not a person but a phenomenon. It is the twisting or abusing of facts to underscore a point of view one wishes to see disseminated. I mean propaganda. The antiwar left did not pick up its marbles and go home when the war began. They just went home and waited for something bad to happen that they could exploit. They have it now: a war that is taking time and producing deaths on the field.

    BTW, Peggy, did we ever find those weapons of mass destruction that W insisted Iraq had?


  3. So, this is why we need to continue to abstract our aggressions into sports. At least from that, we've gotten bitchin' arthroscopic surgery for all!

        1. I've had three arthroscopic surgeries-both shoulders, and the right knee, ACL transplant. That one was interesting. They cut me open to harvest the donor tissue from my patella and patellar tendon, then sewed me up for the transplant itself. It lasted almost seven years, then it popped and rolled up like an old window shade, where it has remained for the last ten years. New wisdom sez only athletes need it. I remember that, every time my knee folds forward and pitches me face first into the dirt.

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