4 thoughts on “WA AG: Ban Assault Rifles and MegaClips

  1. I'm open to any and all attempts to cut gun violence but most deaths and injuries come from pistols, not long guns, and especially not assault rifles. That last category often takes the most victims in one incident and gets the most attention. Almost two-thirds of all gun deaths are from suicides <a href="http://(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States)” target=”_blank”>(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States) and the vast majority are from pistols as it is far easier to accomplish suicide than with long guns. Most robberies and urban shootings are done with pistols as they are more concealable, obtainable, and transportable. Banning AR-style rifles meets a symbolic need both for those opposed to any gun control and to those who want to start somewhere, anywhere.
    Banning high-capacity magazines, especially for pistols, would be more effective in reducing victim numbers but far more difficult due to the enormous number already purchased and in the retail environment. Again, any suggestion of outlawing them cause gun people to rush out and buy them, even for weapons they don't own yet or as an investment. Most sellers prominently feature magazine sales (such as https://www.cdnnsports.com/magazines.html#mpp=60).

    We must do something, even if it's a baby step, even if it's a symbolic gesture, or we live in a country where we're doomed to almost 33,000 yearly gun deaths and 73,000 non-fatality injuries. I've used guns most of my adult life recreation-ally, although I don't own any now, and am willing to forego their use if it can lesson the carnage. How do we convince others that end justifies the means?

    1. Yeah. High capacity magazines are a real problem. If you have to stop and reload after ten shots fired rather than thirty or more, it's a simple equation.

      After the Pulse massacre, I publicly destroyed a very valuable semi-auto pistol, even though it wasn't even close to the type used in said massacre, because it was something I could do. Thankfully, I got more support than otherwise, so at least in my circle of friends, there's some sanity…

  2. And our treatment of veterans is worse than our gun violence! Homelessness, PTSD, substance abuse, unemployment . . . The first step would be to avoid sending our best into these explosive-filled unwinnable wars and then to start treating vets and current personnel like the valuable and overworked people they are. I think before WWII one year abroad counted as two years toward retirement and that's something that might come close to repaying the sacrifices.
    And here we have two candidates who would like to outdo each other in involving us in more military adventures!

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