3 thoughts on “We never win anymore! Green = win, red = loss, black = tie

  1. “If you accept the terms of analysis, that things can be reduced to win, loss and tie, then this record is not very good,” [career Army officer, author and historian Andrew] Bacevich says. “While there aren’t many losses — according to how they code — there’s a hell of a lot of ties, which would [invite] the question of why, based on these criteria, U.S. policy has seemingly been so ineffective.”

    But if you look at it against the criterion of war-oligarch profitability, it's a record of continuous success!

    1. Didn't I hear on the radio today it's going to be OK to sue Saudi Arabia in court, but this will not impede the ability to sell them more arms? Good to see we've got our priorities straight.

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