
This woman’s dad says teh Google is in the tank for HIllz

12 thoughts on “This woman’s dad says teh Google is in the tank for HIllz

  1. Hey mods if you wanna delete this post I don't mind. It's not funny in the way I hoped it would be, and it's not fair to mock Angelina Jolie, who actually does good stuff, because she's a model and her father is a jerk.

        1. I'm familiar with some stories about her, and have had her image thrust before my eyes often enough to be able to pick her out of a lineup, but I don't know any of her work. As for Voight, his relevance was some time ago, wasn't it?

          1. Agreed. She can def carry a movie and some of her roles really swing for the fences. Maleficent is one of my favorite movies, so beautiful and lyrical and thoughtful, and while the screenplay was amazing, as is every screenplay by Linda Woolverton, it would not have been half the movie it was without Angelina Jolie in that role.

            We can't choose our parents.

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