
Now that you’ve got the rageaholics hooked started making money off of them

22 thoughts on “Now that you’ve got the rageaholics hooked started making money off of them

  1. Here's the deal: if you want your teevee shows carried on cable networks, you have to pay them to carry your stuff. Trump doesn't do that. You make money on advertising, if you have any. If not, not. Fox? Success. Al Gore/Current? Not.

    "Such a product would have a good shot at going mainstream because Mr Trump could sell it directly to consumers over the internet, as a subscription streaming service."

    Ah, the Glenn Beck model! Or, if you prefer, the Sarah Palin model. You hire that 400-lb guy Trump likes to talk about it, buy a few domain names from, and you're in business. Oh yeah there's also the matter of servers, bandwidth upstream and down. And the little matter of producing some stuff that people might pay to watch. Palin never quite figured that one out.

    I see nothing but great success ahead, particularly if Ivanka makes a sex tape.

  2. Mr Trump, with his committed fan base, a social-media following of 24m on Twitter and Facebook, and his talent and energy for self-promotion, could quickly attract 250,000 to 500,000 subscribers. At $100 a year each that would equate to $25m to $50m in revenue, on perhaps $7m to $8m in production costs.

    You mean he might make money without ripping off his suppliers or getting bailed out by his Dad and/or shady investors? That is newsworthy!.

      1. Teevee, showbiz: his metier.

        Complex policy issues, empathy for the less fortunate, patience with the bureaucracy: not so much

    1. No, both guys are pitching great, intelligent games. But I'm as White Sox fan, as I grew up on the South Side. Watching the Al Smith dinner instead.

          1. Hey! He finished his career with the Red Sox. I think I would send his family condolences, the Bosox owner for many years was a racist prick southern gentleman. Really took until the 1990s and Mo Vaughn for the color barrier to really get knocked out of the Boston American League club. All the stuff I've found out in the last 15 years- especially when my hero was Jim Rice.

          2. It's hard to imagine the locker-room talk the first African-American MLB players had to endure. That's famously why good-natured, process-haired Jackie Robinson was selected to "break the color barrier." It didn't hurt that he was a terrific player, and that Satchell Paige was too old by then.

            Fittingly, the Chesapeake Bay Area Indigenous Persons were the last team in the NFL (in 1962!) to have a black player.

  3. "Up next, the Sarah Palin Newshour. But first, a 15 minutes of Trump brand infomercials!"

    I'd love to see him have to run this like a non-profit, with his kids and Rudy Giuliani holding PBS-style on air fundraisers. What an incredible shitshow.

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