
Trump Yard Signs Mysteriously Vanish from Roswell Neighborhood

36 thoughts on “Trump Yard Signs Mysteriously Vanish from Roswell Neighborhood

  1. The Republican party of Chaves County tells the Roswell Daily Record, about 85 percent of the Trump signs placed in Roswell have been destroyed.

    Costing the state and local parties thousands of dollars.

    My mother, an English teacher, would flunk this writer for that sentence fragment.

  2. Well, we got them to stop all the cattle mutilations and to finally knock off all the anal probing, so now it's pranks and petty theft. Progress, but they really need to find better hobbies.

      1. I was coming back from Panama City a day or two after the underwear bomber was thwarted. There's an airport security screener there I'll always remember.

          1. Wow. I started reading teh Wkt around 2006, after she had left, and assumed it was a Newell & Layne kind of thing. Hawt! Also, the Daily Caller has the nerve to say "Wonkette, a now talentless site that initially put her on Washington’s map…".

            I'll take Trix, Dr Zoom and Evan over the 'caller losers any old day of the week.

            I had read a column that AMC penned about her conversion, and it seemed cool and all, I didn't think she went full zealot. If you want to live like jebus, that's not a bad thing. Dunno if he'd use botox…

          2. Yeah, fuck the daily caller, right in the ass.

            I started reading Wonkette early on, but was intimidated by how damned smrt everyone was, so I didn't start commenting until maybe 07. As curmudgeonly as Layne is, it was a more welcoming environment for me to jump in to.

          3. yeah, I started reading after AMC left, Dan Savage started linking to teh wkt. I, too, was slow to comment, because, smart people, and I could laugh just as hard reading stuff. When I finally started commenting, I realized early that waiting to be too cute and perfect was a waste of time, sort of like horseshoes. Relax and fire away!

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