6 thoughts on “Week 7: London Calling, Again

  1. Apparently, there was already a game this morning.

    Carolina and Dallas have byes.

    The Browns and Ivankabadonka are both 0 and 6.

  2. Stupid Clash and their blatant Global Warming agenda:

    The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in
    Meltdown expected, the wheat is growin' thin
    Engines stop running, but I have no fear
    'Cause London is drowning, and I, I live by the river

    I play Greezy Drumpf this week. This maybe ought to be a week I can pull off a victory, maybe, perhaps.

  3. Oakland @ Jacksonville
    San Diego @ Atlanta
    New England @ Dear God, Please Make Landry Jones Good Enough To Pull Off A Miracle

    …though, if I feel energized enough after my third coffee, I might phone bank instead. There will be plenty of football games after the election!

  4. Everything in moderation- including moderation! When I went to Turkey for the eclipse in 2006, I found out their tea was about as chewy as their coffee. Another total eclipse.

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