19 thoughts on “FFS, Australia!

        1. I still haven't gotten used to high-speed internet access. I've been under the thumb of Big Dial-up for so long, I don't know what to do with my newly available 20-50mbps, so I still instinctively avoid streaming audio and video.

          1. your comment is funnier because you use a lower case 'm' for the prefix rather than upper case.

            m = milli
            M = mega

            I can still vividly remember the first time I downloaded a weather satellite image. Took about 25 minutes. Now? Poof.

          2. Noted, and thanks.

            My current speed is 20 down, 1.5 up. It would be 50 down, but my onboard wifi thingamajig is only good for 20.

            Also, wifi is not approved by my auto-correct, but thingamajig is.

          3. mine is 20-25 Mbps down, or about 2.6-3.0 MBps down. I'm up in the hills and the last 150 meters is copper. San Jose State has bitchin' wifi, like 20 MBps down, or 160 Mbps down. Zoom!

  1. Did not know that some spiders scavenge. Looked it up after reading the Millage line that said the mouse may already have been dead and I thought 'no way'.

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