12 thoughts on “Analysis: Atlantic hurricane season is growing longer

  1. I have a feeling that this and everything else that has happened since Nov. 9 is what the rest of our sad lives is going to be like.

    1. I lived on the west side for a few years in the late 60's-early 70's. I saw that coming even then, and planned my escape as soon as I got there. I was in Santa Monica as a medical tourist a couple years ago, and I was absolutely floored by how bad it is now. How do people maintain any sanity or quality of life?

      1. Live by the car, die by the car. I'm still traumatized from my year and a half commuting from the East Bay to Silly Con Valley. Even with a great carpool mate, sometimes the 40 ish mile ride home in the carpool lane could take two hours.

          1. Ugh. I know people with similar nightmare commutes, like Stockton to Sillcon Valley. I don't care how big/pretty the house is, a long drive sucks the life out of me. I figured I was spending another 8-10 hours a week in the car going from my place in Oakland to Sunnyvale rather than my old (counter)commute to livermore. Like another workday wasted in traffic. There are a few more mass transit options here in the SF Bay area as compared to LA, but damn. I remember 30 years ago my 10 mile commute in NJ, all of 22 minutes, seemed tolerably long to me.

          2. For six weeks, I lived in Malibu and commuted to Pasadena. In traffic, it was about two hours back then. No traffic, still over an hour. The last commute I had was 22 miles, but at 0530 the only other people on that highway were my own crew, so it only took 15 minutes. A lot to be said for living/working on the edge of hell.

    2. That's horrific. I've commuted in the Balt-Wash and NY metro areas and driven all over much of the US and I've never seen anything like that. Time for a lot more Mass Transit or telecommuting Thanksgiving, or both.

      1. Trying to retrofit rails into the cluster that is Los Angeles would be impossible, I'm afraid, and most folks would rather sit alone in their car than ride a bus with "others". LA is teh suck.

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