
I thought we got rid of this asshole’s interest in Ohio

21 thoughts on “I thought we got rid of this asshole’s interest in Ohio

  1. Dear god, help us all. This just now on Twitter:
    Dan Quayle walked into Trump Tower with Kellyanne Conway at 1:47, per pool

      1. I met Quayle once. Or more I turned around and he was standing right behind me. He had a look like a deer caught in the headlights, like he always does in photos of him. He just apparently always looks that way.

        It was at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley long ago for some event when I was a student.

    1. On one hand, they are refusing to provide any information whatsoever in response to these FOIA requests relating to Donald Trump, yet at the height of the presidential campaign, the FBI director personally disclosed details about the investigative steps the FBI was taking with respect to Secretary Clinton — even though there was no finding of criminal activity. I have said repeatedly that if the FBI is going to break from longstanding precedent, it cannot do so for only one presidential candidate and not the other. I believe this approach has done great harm to the public’s trust in the FBI.

      <img src="http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo91pxPOa61qakh43o1_500.gif"&gt;

  2. In other Ohio news, ISIS claimed responsibility for the Ohio State attack. Because that's just what we needed to hear.

  3. Is the Cincinnati thing because of the black population there? I've never mentioned this before, but I know a lot of people from the Cincinnati area from work. They're all white, all quietly deeply religious, misogynistic and racist, but of course see themselves as the nicest people. Underneath they are seething with hate and a sense of the rightness of their ways. They also are all, to a person, deeply afraid of being labeled as a "Hillbilly" but from my perspective they are all total hillbillies, (I've learned a lot about "hillbillies" from having to work with these folks for so many years.)

    My point being that I was very very surprised to see Cincinnati go for Hillary when at least the people I know who live there would never in a million years vote for anyone but the most rabid, right-wing, even nationalist, Repbublicans. (A lot of them live in John Boehner's district, most of the rest of them live in the Mason area, and one lives over the river in Kentucky.)

  4. Cincinnati is about equal black/white. The county itself is a bit more white but still went to Hillary as a whole.

    Those suburbs in Warren/Butler county are the reddest places ever lol, it's not rare to see confederate flags despite being in the north.

  5. They were very unpleasant people to have to work with. The problem was having to be respectful and to treat them as though they were normal. To themselves, of course, they were normal, which was the scariest part.

    Also, for all their pompous religiosity, there was a core group of them who were massive potheads and everyone turned a blind eye to it. Also, the potheads, all women, would go down somewhere deep in KY every six weeks and get some "diet pills" from some pill mill doctor – they'd all go together. The women also all had boob jobs and this strange blonde hair that I guess they all thought looked very hip. They also all used tanning booths. Basically they all looked alike and they all looked like they were desperately trying to look like they were from somewhere more sophisticated.

    The guys were no better but that's another story.

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