17 thoughts on “There is a huge brush fire in Gatlinburg Tennessee

  1. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around all the fires back east in North Carolina and now Tennessee. We in the west are used to it, this is not normal. I know many in NC have been determined to be arson, hope this isn't as well.

    1. I fear that two problems unique to the south are now/are going to converge disastrously: 1) as Biff says above, Southerners are not used to strategic co-existence with drought the way we are, and 2) their Gadsen-flag small-govt politics are going to leave them with no resources for fighting this problem and recuperating from it.

      California, with its solid Democratic leadership at the state-level, continues to transform itself into such an amazing powerhouse with judicious policies that truly address public need in every way. I think it might prove to be true what Kamala Harris said in her acceptance speech, that California will truly become a model to other states re how to reverse course.

  2. I wish that the idea would take off, of calling people mentally ill when they say the sort of things that Trumpists say. I think they are mentally ill – they're brainwashed. Maybe then, even if Fox News is still on the air, at least maybe people would start to feel shame and stop watching it.

    There's a book called "The Battle for Christmas." it was a Pulitzer finalist. The author talks about how Christmas as we know it became a thing in literally only six years. It was after Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol was published. The funny thing was, (according to the author) that people seemed to recall that they'd always celebrated Christmas as "Christmas" even though they'd only been doing it a few years. Before that, Christmas was either a non-event or a night of hooligans looting.

    I always think of that when people say that it is impossible to turn the cruise ship of entrenched culture around on a dime. I honestly think that if the right thing happens, whatever that is, the south could very quickly do a 180. It's just a matter of finding out what is the trigger to make that happen.

    1. Wow, that's one crazy shift in what Christmas meant to people. I'd love to see the south suddenly get sane as well, but not a clue what that trigger might be!

      1. Me neither. As interesting as that premise is – – what keeps coming back and clobbering me over the head is how ready people are to act/ vote against their own interests. Until consequences of such actions become too dire to ignore, I suppose, but I never thought I'd see such disparity between denied truth and reconciling consequence to one's actions~

    2. I had that book, until one of the young House Creatures destroyed it. Highly recommend.

      One of my favorite parts – turns out that the Hallmark Card version of Christmas Caroling was in reality gangs of young louts surging from door to door demanding drinks and getting spectacularly fucked up. Just a part of your balanced months long Harvest Festival, beginning in October and extending till the food and booze ran out.
      Gluttony, booze, fighting and passing out face down in the filthy snow. Ah, the Good Old Days.

      1. Yes, great book, great dog toy, also too.

        ETA: I went to Costco yesterday afternoon and after checking out I got a hot dog (rarely do). I wasn't really hungry, so I set it on the passenger seat, tightly wrapped (you can see where this is going, can't you?)

        Well LSS, after getting back in the car following one more errand, I realized the hot dog was missing from the passenger seat, the little rascal had taken the entire thing, which is almost as big as her head, taken it into the back seat, and had completely unwrapped it. She gave me her "I've been caught I feel really guilty" look, of course, which was adorable, so there's that.

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