11 thoughts on “Francois Hollande Will Not Seek Reelection

  1. This was all over this evening's news here. It's not too surprising, given his unpopularity and polling results lately.

      1. There's another guy, Fillion, who's pretty right-wing who seems to be ahead in polling right now. If it comes down to LePen and him, as some are expecting, he'll likely win because he's slightly less repulsive to most voters that aren't crazy wingnuts. But Hollande pulling out makes it a more interesting, competitive race for Macron and other more liberal candidates with less competition, at least if I understand the pundits on the news.

        1. Do you have the equivalent there of angry Fox News-watching olds that act entitled and everyone else has to tiptoe around them? Also the equivalent of the coal-spewing young idiots in pickups with the big flags in the back? (just passed another one of those just now on my way home, they started that here in my little hippie town about last July and it is still just so bizarre…)

          1. There's no major TV network station that's full of falsehoods and RW propaganda, at least not that I've found. And although I'm on a pretty liberal region, so maybe not seeing everything, but the wingers seem to focus on their fear of immigrants and unemployment, not so much on petulant gestures just to piss off liberals. The French have their share of winger assholes, but they seem far less childish than the American version.

          2. See? That. Your righties seem more mature than ours. I actually can somewhat respect that attitude – I mean, it's understandable for people who have lived in a place for centuries or even millennia to be afraid of people from another culture coming in rapidly and taking over and destroying one's culture and stealing one's livelihood. That actually seems understandable to me to get angry about, even if it's not necessarily rational in the particulars. Here, I think a lot of right-wingers are totally just into it for like what you said – they get a satisfaction out of pissing off lefties. It makes them feel powerful and that's really at the bottom of it – they want a sense of power. Patriarchy and all that.

          3. I think that's mostly true, although now I'm remembering some right-wing mayor deciding that pork needed to be put back on school menus to piss off the local Muslim population. They certainly aren't above petty power displays.

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