8 thoughts on “Periodic Table, Updated Periodically

  1. Told my dad about this. He asked "do you want to see my periodic table with them already on it?" I can't catch him off-guard on anything.

  2. True story- when they originally named element 118 Livermorium (after Livermore, California) a friend of mine said "Why did they make the symbol Lv and not Li?". I replied, "I think the symbol | Li | is already taken by a somewhat lighter element…"

  3. cantbebotheredium

    EDIT: OK, not to be too flippant, but most of the stuff higher up in that table is stuff I can see, touch, taste, etc, as ill-advised as it would be to do that with appreciable amounts some of those elements (or even be in the same room*). They're sensible in the literal sense. But these new elements? It seems if one were to commit the resources to make a sensible amount, it'd all decay away before anybody had a chance to sense it through any interaction more direct than a computer spreadsheet.

    (… he types into an internet blog comment…)

    *Kinda wish I was alive back in the days when nobody knew how bad an idea it was to play with liquid mercury.

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