11 thoughts on “Fast Food Fuck [maybe ] Abandons Asshole Station

  1. I was on a community oversight board to a planning district years ago and had to submit elaborate financial disclosure information—for a job that paid nothing and had no power over anything. It's not hard to imagine that the disclosures required of a cabinet secretary are excruciatingly difficult for a marginal creep like Puzder, who probably has money stashed in overseas accounts, complex obligations as a result of divorce(s), etc.

    Good. That's the way it should be. The Department of Labor doesn't get much attention because they don't have drones, but it has a very important role in deciding who is an "employee" and who isn't, how retirement plans work, what constitutes "full time" and "overtime," and a lot of things that affect everybody who gets W2 income, not just minimum wage workers. OSHA is part of the Labor Department as well. Puzder sounds like the enemy of every kind of worker protection there is; assuming Trump and his cronies picked the worst possible Secretary of Labor nominee, we can at least assume the next one won't be as bad.
    <img src="https://coedmagazine.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/hannah-ferguson-carls-jr-texas-burger-gif-20.gif">Oh, and noted plagiarist Monica Crowley (not shown above) also | quit today,| so crazy used-general Flynn won't have her to sexually harass.

    1. Even though I didn't plagiarize any parts in my PhD thesis, I would refuse any involvement in the Trump administration (except possibly heading the DOE)

        1. The silver lining I'm seeing in this golden shower is fossil fuels are on the way out, regardless of what the gubmint does at this point.

  2. What?!? You mean fooling the rubes to win an election is easier than getting background checks on your extended swamp? I am shocked- shocked! The system does sort of work?

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