6 thoughts on “Hillary 2020?

  1. Yes, barring some calamity, Clinton is running. And this brave columnist will go one step further. Not only will Clinton run again, she has an excellent shot at getting the Democratic Party nomination again. But only if she approaches it quite differently. Here’s some advice for her.

    Excellent advice. Also too, less reliance on data and more on positive messaging. Her online promo clips were great: the people who made them should have also done the TV ads in swing states!

    1. Yes. I still know full well she'd make an excellent president, but her loss shows she's got a seriously flaw in knowing how to get elected. She trusts numbers at the expense of intangible but equally vital elements. Obama had a knack for those intangibles and it made all the difference. I would love to see her be president, but is giving her the nomination worth the risk? If she lost again that would be disastrous and end progressive politics for a generation. Literally, an entire generation would grow up not knowing the advantages we have today.

      Democrats will always love her, but I think when the time comes America will see her as the past and want a fresh face and a fresh narrative.

  2. I know it's weak to try to undermine a claim solely based on a writers CV……………….so I will only hint that I caught a faint whiff of horseshit.

  3. I'd love to work for her again, but I can understand if she stays out. I'm looking forward to her next book and hope I'll get to see her on her book tour as well!

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